
‘Open letter to Nigerians eight months after my son Toba was murdered in Dubai’


It is with a heavy heart that I read about the death of the son of Chief Alameiyeseigha on the streets of Dubai, an incident that immediately jolted me back in time thanks to the bizarre similarities to that of my son as regards “cause of death”.

My son was said by the Dubai authorities to have jumped down from a balcony, dismissing it as “suicide”, same with Chief Alameiyeseigha’s son.

I am saddened that this has happened despite my nationwide campaign to stop this happening AGAIN by putting all relevant government agencies on notice, in vain.

For record emphasis, my son was thrown from the balcony of a 17th floor apartment in Manchester Tower in Dubai. A Saudi boy resident in Dubai confessed to the murder; he had my son’s blood on his t-shirt, he had my son’s blood on his knuckles and boasted about serving time for 25 years in prison if it comes to the worst.


His murderer has a name – Faisal Aldakmary Al-Nasser.

There were witnesses to this murder; they have written statements verbally and orally corroborating what the murderer said. I have put all this together to make this easy for the Nigerian government to help me get justice for my son in Dubai.

I warned the Nigerian government that Nigerian youths were being killed in Dubai on a daily basis as confirmed by our embassy in Dubai. I also warned parents about the danger of Dubai.


I also stated repeatedly, that if justice was not secured for my son, another murder would happen. Indeed there have been many more after my son although not mentioned because they do not have a voice. But now, there is one so close to government that has been struck.

I did not have to be a soothsayer to know this. Many more will happen until we get Justice for Toba Falode, and all those who have been murdered in cold blood in Dubai.

We cannot stand by and watch our youths’ lives being down played over and above “collaboration and partnership” with a country that hates us with so much passion, that they are cutting down the lives of our young ones in cold blood crudely and viciously and yet we seek “partnership and collaboration” in investment with this same country.

Our ambassador in the UAE, Ambassador Ibrahim Auwalu, must be called back to Nigeria to answer to every young soul that has been lost to Dubai unaccounted for due to his lack of responsibility in office.


The foreign ministry also, must be asked questions on what they have done about Toba Falode’s case 8 months after. It took Israel less than 48 hours to act on the loss of their three youths.

Eight months after Toba Falode’s murder, we are still waiting on the Nigerian government to give us any kind of reaction on the loss of a young life-Toba Falode in Dubai.

Even after submitting every evidence, our protest, police reports corroborating the fact that my son was murdered, we still have gotten no response at all from the Nigerian government.

Take a queue from Israel.


And the Nigerian government for once should start acting like a big country with so much might and power that it has on the continent and indeed in the world and go after Dubai for justice for every young soul and every Nigerian life that has been cut short in Dubai.

We send our sympathy and condolences to DSP Alamieyeseigha.


The family and friends of their son, we empathise with them because we have been through and are still going through it and it is nothing we wish for any parent, which was our concern from the start.

This is one death too many. May it not happen again.

  1. Very sad story,how I wish our govt could review our foreign policy and ambassadorial postings in order to achieve good results for our condolences to all the bereaved families

  2. The death of these boys are very painful and the Nigeria government must heed the cry of Aisha Falode to start showing that it places the right value on the lives of our citizens.

    The painful truth that has to be told here however is that Nigerian youth, particularly those from ‘rich homes’ live reckless lives outside the country and they easily attract troubles to themselves. Many of the Ghanaian universities build separate hostels for Nigerian students because they are spoilt brats and live riotous lives instead of facing their studies. When I went for a program in Ghana in July last year, I was told about some Nigerian students who rented a whole house for themselves and busy themselves daily with drinking, partying, raping girls and oppressing the neighborhood with loud music from their flats and from their cars. Many of them are driving at 16 – 18 years cars that are worth between N5m to N15m while many of their lecturers are still praying and dreaming of the they they will save money enough to own such sleek beauties which are given to these young students by their parents many of those who are treasury looters like Alams.

    It is a pity that young Nigerians are being murdered in Dubai and other places. While we pressure our government to act decisively, we must also tell Nigerian parents to rise up to their responsibilities of giving their children sound home training and teach them the fear of God by showing good examples that the children can emulate. Parents who became rich overnight like Alams find it hard to raise children who would be able to shun drugs, gangs, parties and fast life that could put them in danger. I was surprised to know that Toba Falode for example was known as Tyler Fay or whatever in Dubai. Although gives no one the right to brutally cut his life short, there is a lot of story behind that rejection of his Nigerian name. May God help our youth to avoid the slippery path.

  3. My sympathies to Aisha and her family. She wrote so touchingly and passionately. He who feels it knows it. The fact is that every structure in Nigeria has failed and it is unfortunate that Aisha and her family are now tasting the failure. Alams has tasted it and whetherbthey like it or not many prominent Nigerians who had brought us to this cesspool would one day or the other go through it. Aisha failed to mention that locally, millions of Nigerians go through this agony because of the mindless posture of our ruling class and the criminal collaboration of the pseudo-middle class. My conclusion is that Aisha should vigorously include local victims of injustice in her campaign to find Toba’s killers and not just for the noveau rich victims of Dubai’s criminality

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