On the Go

24-year-old Kaosarah Adeyi appointed SSA to Kwara governor

BY Jesupemi Are


Kaosarah Adeyi has been appointed as the senior special assistant (SSA) on youth engagement to Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq, governor of Kwara state.

In a statement, Rafiu Ajakaye, the governor’s chief press secretary, said Abdulrazaq announced the appointment on Tuesday.

According to Ajakaye, the 24-year-old graduate of the University of Ilorin is also an entrepreneur and an author.

“Kaosarah, an author who is renowned for her extensive reach within the youth constituency, is a graduate of the University of Ilorin where she is mentor for the varsity’s empowerment beneficiaries. A youth entrepreneur, her roles entail sharing practical examples with mentees, giving mentorship on entrepreneurship, and advising on how to manage school activities with their business goal-setting, planning and implementation,” the statement reads.


“The millennial is from Ojuekun Sarumi Ward of Ilorin West local government. Kaosarah is the member representing Kwara State on Northern States Governors’ Forum Committee on Youth Engagements, Priorities and Inclusion in Governance. She was also a member of the Kwara State Judicial Panel of Inquiry on EndSARS Protest (2020).

“She was Vice President of the Faculty of Agriculture Students (UNILORIN, 2018) and Vice President of Nigerian Society for Environmental Conservation.

“Kaosarah comes to the job with several certifications on youth affairs, including at continental level.”


In a related development, Fatima Audu has been appointed as special adviser on women affairs.

“Jummai Audu, born in 1954, holds a Master’s degree in Industrial and Labour Relation (MILR) and Bachelor of Arts in Education, both from the University of Ilorin,” Ajakaye said.

“She was State President of the National Council of Women Society; National Secretary of the Society; a member of the Federal Government’s Implementation Committee of N50bn Agric Loan Scheme; executive member of the All Farmers’ Association of Nigeria; and Director of Ajikobi Micro Finance Bank Nigeria Limited.

“She was, at various times, director of personnel management (DPM) in Edu, Ilorin East, Oke Ero and Isin local government areas.


“Hajia Jummai, a retired teacher and one-time senatorial aspirant, is from Edu local government area of Kwara State.”

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