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Let brotherly love continue!

Let brotherly love continue!
January 31
06:33 2021

I’m reminded of a beloved brother whose daughter suffered a broken leg (the femur) as she played with her siblings at home, last year. She was rushed to the hospital, and had to be operated on. The initial cost of the operation came to N300,000 plus, excluding some other expenses.

When I visited them in the hospital to strengthen and encourage their faith, and chip in my token of Love, the brother said to me, “Pastor, someone already wrote off the operation bill!”

It takes LOVE to do that!

When Job lost his family and properties, his friends: Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar, traveled from afar to sit with him, on the ground, for SEVEN days and nights, in absolute silence and concern.
It took LOVE to do that!


When our friends and associates are challenged, bereaved or troubled in any way, we should rally round them, and bring them the much needed SUCCOUR and RELIEF. That’s how to live, especially if you are a professing Christian.

When I was courting my wife, I shared with her my Vision for Marriage, as GOD had put it in my heart, according to Isaiah 25:4, “For You have been a STRENGTH to the poor, A STRENGTH to the NEEDY in his distress, A REFUGE from the storm, A SHADE from the heat; For the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.”

And Isaiah 32:2, “A man will be as a HIDING PLACE from the wind, and a COVER from the tempest, as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.”


Consider verse 8 of the same Isaiah 32, “But a GENEROUS man devises GENEROUS things, and by GENEROSITY he shall stand.”

I had said to my lovely fiancée then, “I want our home to be a place where people would find SUCCOUR, ENCOURAGEMENT and PEACE. I desire a home that friends would say, “If I can just get to Dele’s house, I know I’ll find help.”

Now, you understand what moves me to keep devising GENEROUS things, like investing huge money (personal, and partners’) into setting up libraries, feeding the mentally challenged in this city, and sacrificially giving to Missionaries and Mission Fields.

Cultivate a truly impactful lifestyle; make a difference in someone’s life, daily!


That is true living.

The Bible says, “LET BROTHERLY LOVE CONTINUE. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.” – Hebrews 13:1-2.



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1 Comment

  1. Seyi Emmanuel
    Seyi Emmanuel January 31, 21:20

    Keep on the good work.

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