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Relevant ability (2)

Relevant ability (2)
July 29
10:40 2023

This week’s Wednesday, we looked at quite a few fundamental issues—affecting today’s believers. Today, we are rounding this series off; you know we cannot completely drain it.

To start with, many believers do not know that some access is only given to those who have built over the years, relevant skills and qualities. The systems of this world have no time and respect for mediocre.  The earlier you understand this stark naked truth, the better for you, if you are a believer.

Many Jews were taken to Babylon, but not every Jew was granted access into the best place of Babylon. One of the abilities they were to build was that they must be able to understand things quickly, “And quick to understand (Dan. 1:4).” I remember many years ago, I had to sacrificially pay for a course that would help me to read through books faster than I was reading and that course also helped me to comprehend voluminous-books within a little period of time. Being able to understand quickly was an ability that I needed to build many years back.

The systems of Babylonian are a type and shadow of today’s world systems. Another ability you need to develop is this, “Young-men in whom there was no blemish, but good looking (Dan.1:4).” One of the abilities that qualified David for the palace was that he was always looking good. Today’s believers need to understand that there are fat places of their countries they can never access if they do not learn to look good. And to look good, you do not need to break the bank. You just need to be wise.


One of the first things they needed to change about late JFK when he was about beginning to campaign for the highest office in America was his appearance. He had to start dressing the part. If you want to access some of the fat places of Nigeria, you will need to start dressing the part. Remember, you do not dress for where you are but for where you are going.

Many believers think the systems of the world have any respect for religion. No! You must have the ability to serve in the kings’ palaces (fat places of your country). Believers need to understand that it is not enough to desire to serve in the kings’ palaces but they must develop the relevant ability to serve before today’s kings—doing business and ministry at the highest place possible in your country.

In Matthew 25: 14-15, the Bible says, “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately, he went on a journey.” The man in this story is not biased on the way he distributes talents to them. He has no favorites amongst them. He does not give five talents to one because he loves him more than others. It is their level of abilities that determines what they are given.


In the kingdom, what determines what is given to you is your level of ability. God will not give you what you have not built ability for. Remember, if you are given what you are not able to handle like the prodigal son, you either squander it or you squander your own life.

Pharaohic, Babylonian and world systems are all the same! In Genesis 47: 5-6, Pharaoh said, “Then Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, your father and your brothers have come to you. The land of Egypt is before you. Have your father and brothers dwell in the best of the land; let them dwell in the land of Goshen. And if you know any competent men amongst them, then make them chief herdsmen over my livestock.” This is so deep and powerful. When it comes to Pharaohic system, being competent is a non-negotiable requirement. It is a system that does not embrace lack of competence. In other words, it is not enough to be a believer; you must become a competent believer! You must build relevant ability to serve at the highest place in your country. Joseph witnessed at the highest place in Egypt, because he developed relevant ability. Daniel witnessed at the highest place in Babylon, because he built relevant ability.

Lastly, you must learn how to speak. This is another relevant-ability you’d need to build. Many believers are “spiritual” but they do not know how to speak. To access the palace, you must learn how to speak. Remember, do not just be available, make sure you build relevant ability, because you cannot be given in the kingdom—more than you are able to handle.


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