
AbdulRazaq appoints PWDs as aides in Kwara, says inclusivity germane to nation-building

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AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, governor of Kwara, has provided reasons for the appointment of People With Disabilities (PWDs) into his administration. 

He said he made the appointments to enable PWDs contribute to governance and nation-building.

The governor disclosed this in Ilorin, the Kwara state capital, during the commemoration of this year’s International Day of PWDs.

The governor who was represented at the event by Saadu Salahu, a senior adviser, recalled how he held his inaugural budget meeting with management staff of ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) at the School for Special Needs, Ilorin.


He said this galvanised his government to fix many of the facilities in the school and helped provide a conducive environment for “our wonderful special students”.

“Let me remind you that at the beginning of this administration, I noticed that the society often dissociates from special needs people,” Abdulrazaq said.

“I purposely took the budget meeting with the management of all MDAs to the School for Special Needs to make everyone realise the challenges you are facing.


“Our desire is to recognise your contributions to national development and to give hope to all of us that there is no limit to the height we can attain in the society irrespective of our peculiarities.”

He assured the PWDs of his government’s readiness to address their needs.

He said the theme of the event which was: ‘United in action to rescue and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals  (SDGs)’, was very relevant.

“You will recall that one of you was appointed into this government to represent you in our administration. We have also appointed persons with special needs into senior roles in the civil service,” he added.


“This speaks to the fact that this administration is inclusive. It’s to allow you lend your voices to issues of governance. I have no regret over this important decision.

“I want to use this occasion to reiterate that this our administration is always operating an open-door policy to incorporate people of different categories without discrimination.”


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