
A’Ibom Gov: We’ll enter economic boom with Ibom Deep Seaport

Udom Emmanuel, governor of Akwa Ibom state, has expressed a conviction that Ibom Deep Seaport will open up Akwa Ibom’s economic fortunes, create employment, provide opportunities for wealth creation for the people and throw open the State as a major maritime hub in Nigeria.

The governor made this known in his broadcast of Easter message, adding that with life-changing projects such as Sterling Petrochemical Plant in Eastern Obolo, where construction is in an advanced stage and the federal executive council, (FEC) approval of the license for the commencement the construction of the long desired Ibom Deep Seaport, Akwa Ibom people were at the threshold of economic boom.

He commended President Muhammadu Buhari (GCFR) for giving approval for commencement of the projects.

“About three weeks ago, we were also blessed by the Invisible Hands of God to have signed a 1.4 billion dollar Fertilizer and Ammonia plant with our Moroccan counterparts,” he said.


“The plant will again create huge employment and other supply chain activities for our people, which will transform us from a civil service oriented State to a fast industrializing one. These are huge achievements that should gladden the hearts of every Akwaibomite irrespective of political affiliations.”

The governor admonished all residents to thank and worship God for the “redemption of the sins of mankind through the manifestation of His Divine grace and the gift of eternal life through the death and resurrection of His Son, the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ”.

“Over two thousand years ago, the powers of the day had sentenced a sinless, innocent and itinerant preacher, who went about doing good for humanity, to death by crucifixion,” he said.


“Roman soldiers cruelly executed the death sentence. Though he had the power to deliver himself, God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, went through this humiliation for our sake. This ordeal was captured centuries earlier by prophet Isaiah, “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.”

He noted that these inspiring lessons make Easter the most important event in the Christian faith as they provide us with vital lessons in sacrifice and love, and speak to us about the need to place the common good above common greed.

“We can, and should, use this season to heal ourselves of all selfish instincts, spirit of division and rabid ethnicism”, he said.

“We are also aware that, by His grace, we shall share the joy of two more Easter seasons together before the end of our mandate. As Easter affords us the time to reflect on events that took place two thousand years ago, it also affords us time to reflect on our journey so far as an Administration, particularly since this journey began on May 29th, 2015 with Jesus Christ as the Captain of our Ship.


“Late last year, we launched an emergency on our education sector and as life gradually begins to return to normal, we pledge our commitment to ensuring that the leaders of tomorrow, our children, are given the necessary tools to be as competitive as their counterparts elsewhere”.

“Permit me to again reemphasize the need for our people to adhere to the protocols of the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 pandemic. We have observed the somewhat lax attitude of our people towards the observation of these protocols. Some have even gone to the very ludicrous belief that Covid-19 is a virus that only affects the rich and wealthy people. Nothing could be further from the truth.”

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