Categories: Business

Airport touts, beggars, officials to face prosecution

BY TheCable


Officials, touts and beggars at the nation’s international airports will soon face arrest and prosecution.

The Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences  Commission ( ICPC) and the ministry of aviation have signed a memorandum of understanding (MO ) to develop synergy towards fighting acts of corruption at the nation’s airports.

The initiative, signed on Monday, means any airport official caught soliciting gratification or tip from travellers risks a seven-year jail term.

Thos who give will also face similar charges.


Ekpo Nta, ICPC chairman, said: “It is important to note that the Aviation Sector’s stature as a gate way for investments and tourism in the country is sharply diminished by the corrupt and unethical practices of officials who serve at the nation’s airports.

“Reports have been made to ICPC of airport users being constantly confronted by demands for bribes and gratification at various points of interface with agencies, as well as deliberate operational bottlenecks created to induce pecuniary responses.

“It is also evident to anyone who uses the airports how courtesies and normal social greetings have been degraded to blatant and crass tactics of soliciting tips. These repugnant practices, many of which are punishable by law, tarnish the image of the country and in consequence cause many foreigners to divert business and pleasure pursuit to other countries!”


Osita Chidoka, the aviation minister, described corruption as a roadblock to national economic development vowed that the aviation ministry would spearhead the battle to rid the Nigeria’s entry and exit ports of corruption by way of correcting the wrong perception which outsiders have been having about Nigeria.

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