Categories: On the GoThe Nation

Anger tempered by humour: Social-media reactions of Nigerians to fuel scarcity

BY Mayowa Tijani


An excruciating blend of industrial action by workers of the Nigeria National Petroleum Commission (NNPC), fall in national power generation to less than 1,400 mega watts, and the refusal of oil marketers to lift the commodity, spawning weeks of petroleum products’ scarcity, has forced Nigerians to let out their angst on social media.

While some are playing the blame game, pitching the scarcity between independent marketers of petroleum products and the government of the day, others care no hoot about who is at fault and are just bothered by their own sufferings.

From dark streets to thirsty taps, hot freezers and many more, Nigerians on Twitter express how the fuel scarcity and consequent lack of power is affecting their daily living.
Here are a few reactions:





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