
Court denies Nnamdi Kanu bail

John Tsoho, justice of the federal high court, Abuja, on Friday, denied Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and director of Radio Biafra, bail.

The judge ruled that Kanu was a threat to national security, and as a result would not be granted bail.

He held that if released Kanu might commit the same offence again, and that there was a probability that he might jump bail because he possessed dual citizenship.

He therefore ruled that Kanu be remanded in prison custody, and ordered an accelerated hearing of the case.


Tsoho had fixed Friday for ruling on Kanu’s bail application which was argued on Monday.

Arguing for Kanu’s release, Nnoruka Udechukwu, senior advocate of Nigeria (SAN), urged the court to release him, stating that the offence he was alleged to have committed was a bailable one.

Udechukwu argued that the Criminal Justice Act, 2015, stipulated bail for anyone not accused of a capital offence.


He said that the offence of which Kanu was accused was a “civil rights” issue, adding that the right to agitate is guaranteed in a democracy.

“The right to agitate is inherent in a democracy. People must not be denied of their rights to protest by way of being kept in custody,” he said.

“If national security was a ground to throw people into detention the Criminal Justice Act would have said so.”

Making his own submission, Mohammed Diri, counsel to the federal government, said he was “seriously opposed to this application.”


He argued that the application did not fulfil certain conditions spelt out in section 162 of the Criminal Justice Act, 2015.

Diri said that Kanu might jump bail if released because according to his statement to the Department of State Services (DSS) he is a British citizen.

“He sneaked into this country. He didn’t enter the country the proper way. He may sneak out,” he said.

“I urge this court to refuse this application and order for accelerated hearing.”


Kanu alongside Benjamin Madubugwu and David Nwawuisi is facing a six-count charge of treasonable felony.

Count one of the charges reads: “That you, Nnamdi Kanu and other unknown persons now at large in London, United Kingdom, between the year 2014 and September 2015, with intention to levy war against Nigeria in order tto force the president to change his measures of being the president of the federation, head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the federation as defined in section 3 of the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) by doing an act wit: Broadcast on Radio Biafra monitored by NBC for your preparations for the states in the southeast geo-political zone, south-south geo-political zone, the Igala community of Kogi and Idoma to secede from the federal republic of Nigeria and form themselves into a republic of Biafra, and thereby committed an offence punishable under section 41 (C) of the criminal code act, CAP C38 laws of the federation of Nigeria, 2004.”


On December 23, 2015, he had refused to take his plea before Ahmed Mohammed, justice of the federal high court, Abuja, citing lack of confidence in the court.

This was after Adeniyi Ademola, another justice of the federal high court, Abuja, ordered the DSS to release him unconditionally, and after a chief magistrate court discharged and acquitted him of charges of criminal intimidation and management of an unlawful society.


Meanwhile, there was mild drama at the court over legal representation for Kanu.

Kanu had written a letter to the judge, stating that his lawyers were only Chuks Muoma(SAN) and Ifeanyi Ejiofor, excluding Udechukwu, who argued his bail application, and Vincent Obetta, the counsel, who had represented him since the beginning of his trial at the chief magistrate court, Wuse zone 2, Abuja.


In protest, Udechukwu announced that he was standing down, and asked the court to strike out his name as Kanu’s counsel.

But Muoma, in order not to stall the ruling, asked Justice Tsoho to rule on the defendant’s bail application even though Udechukwu, who argued it had pulled out.

The judge thereafter delivered the ruling refusing Kanu bail.

  1. One thing i know is this……… Whether Kanu is released or not what God has said must come to pass it will only take time. Biafrans be patience!.

  2. This judgement had further shown that the judiciary are nothing but a show of shame in Nigeria, but we’re biafrans.

  3. my brother (Kanu)be patient the judgement day must come one day it could be today or tomorrow because one day i prey that all your enemies both big and small are going to be under your control in Jesus name.”AMEN” I LOVE YOU BROTHER.

  4. One thing is certain, and that thing is this,the road of justice cannot be closed behind Nnamdi Kanu…he’s fighting a just cause and one day he MUST be freed. But let me sound this note of worning to the world, INJUSTICE SOME WHERE IS INJUSTICE EVERY WHERE.

  5. I already knew that the road to freedom for Biafra is not an easy one hence I’m not surprised with the Judge’s ruling. So Judge (Tsoho) want to tell the entire world that the previous Judges that acquitted Kalu made a mistake or that he understood the constitution more than them which is likely not so at all.Mr Tsoho you can not fool all of us the same time.No…Never at all.You Mr Tsoho you are only carrying out your pay master’s(Buhari) bidding.It’s just a matter of time and it shall be over.

  6. Your comment..we Biafrans shall not relent in our prayers to the most high God….we pray that this this our noble demand for freedom do not end in a fierce arm *battle.

  7. The judge repeated the same thing buhari said the day he granted interview to the press.he said if granted bail that KANU will jump bail bcos of his dual citizenship.he also said that kanu will commit the same offence if granted bail.This means that judge has verdict even before hearing.It is a shame

  8. justice must prevail .I see no reason why nnamdi KANU is still in kuje prison till date.whether he is a dual citizen or not he has the right to be treated as a citizen of Nigeria for now till his aim is achieved .He is fighting a just fight .agitation in all Democratic sovereign state is given a fair hearing why is his own different that Nigerians are sitting on it.defaming his name and accuses that he know nothing about .I fraun at every step or measures FG is allowing innocent armless citizens are dying in south east and south south.from Degreat

  9. Nigeria is a tribble country which is not practising democracy but military rule in form of democracy. kanu’s case is a bailable one but buhari is a lawless citizen.he doesn’t obey d rule of law and have to be charged for that.

  10. This issue of Biafra like South Africa / Mandela will only last but a while Biafra will for sure come to be. Buhari will only prolong the evil days. Ling Live Republic of Biafra

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