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DSS finally restores Tambuwal’s security aides

BY TheCable


Four months after withdrawing its men from the service of Aminu Tambuwal, speaker of the house of representatives, the Department of State Service (DSS) on Wednesday reversed its decision.

Sources at the DSS headquarters said the operatives were asked to return to their “assignment” after a reconsideration by the authorities.

No further details were disclosed but TheCable understands that the operatives resumed work around 5pm.

DSS withdrew its operatives on November 3, 2014 after Tambuwal announced his defection from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to All Progressives Congress (APC) on October 28.


The police were the first to withdraw their men on October 30, arguing that Tambuwal had, by his defection, lost his position as speaker based on the provisions of the 1999 constitution.

Initially, the DSS retained its operatives but followed suit four days later without giving any official explanation.

Men of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) were the only ones providing security for the speaker.


But President Goodluck Jonathan has since seemed to recognise Tambuwal as speaker after inviting him to the national council of state meeting early February and sending Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the finance minister, to hold discussions with him on the 2015 budget.

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