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CALSER: IPOB leading disruptive campaign against Nigeria abroad

BY TheCable


The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is steering a campaign to dent Nigeria’s image abroad, according to the Centre for Africa Liberation and Socio-Economic Rights (CALSER).

Speaking at a press conference in Abuja on Monday, Abubakar Gana, executive director, brought the attention of the Commonwealth and UK to the deliberate attempt by these groups to paint Nigeria negatively in the international community.

CALSER said it will be dangerous to depend on “organisations with ill-intents” to judge the situation in Nigeria.

According to the group, the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) has been “aiding and abetting” non-state actors in the festering conflict towards an overarching aim of destabilising Nigeria.


It added that Nigerians will not tolerate any further attempts at undermining the efforts of the government towards the preservation of peace and stability.

Read the full statement below:

The exigencies of time demand that urgent and proactive steps are taken towards enlightening members of the unsuspecting general public as well as organizations the ignoble role some foreign organizations playing in the perpetuation of violence and instability in Nigeria.


CASLER as a key stakeholder in the entrenchment of sustainable development in Nigeria is alarmed that some organizations have been covertly aiding and abetting non-state actors in Nigeria in the festering conflict towards an overarching aim of destabilising Nigeria.

We are aware that these groups have been in the vanguard of providing intellectual assistance to militant and terrorist groups in Nigeria by engaging in acts that undermine national security in Nigeria.

These groups recently took their trade too far by releasing a report alleging government-aided genocidal acts against Christians in Nigeria. While we wish to state that this remains a figment of their imagination, there is a danger in allowing this narrative to go unaddressed at the risk of igniting sectarian conflict in Nigeria.

The case presents that of an organization whose mission in Nigeria have on numerous occasions attempted to distract the Nigerian security agencies while bolstering the activities of terrorist and militant groups such as the Boko Haram, Independent People of Biafra, and the Islamic Movement in Nigeria.


The Centre for Africa Liberation and Socio-Economic Rights consequently wishes to use this medium to draw the attention of the Secretary-General of the Common Wealth that groups such as IMN and IPOB are pursuing narrowing interests that are against the collective existence of the country.

We also wish to state despite the avalanche of crimes instigated by IPOB that has led to countless deaths in the country; this group has continued to come to their defence while criticizing the efforts of the Nigerian security agencies towards the restoration of peace in the country.

IPOB, as an organization has been in the vanguard of instigating violence in Nigeria. On numerous occasions, their members have burnt down police stations and attacked police officers going about their lawful duties. The activities of IPOB has also deprived innocent people their sources of livelihood by disrupting commercial activities by attempting to impose a forceful sit at home order in parts of South-East Nigeria.

CASLER wishes to put it on record that IPOB has continued to harass and intimidate innocent people through their nefarious activities and still supports their activities at the detriment of peace and stability in Nigeria.”

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