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Corruption will soon become history, says CAN president

Corruption will soon become history, says CAN president
April 16
21:37 2017

Samson Ayokunle, president of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), says corruption and economic downturn will soon become a thing of the past.

Ayokunke said this in a statement signed by Adebayo Oladeji, his special assistant on media and communications.

He prayed to God to bring to end the economic hardship facing the country.

“I wish all Nigerians a happy Easter in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. It is a season of hope, joy and restoration,” the statement read.


“The Lord that rolled away the stone from the mouth of the tomb to put the enemy to shame will roll away all causes of economic hardship from our nation.

“Corruption will be a thing of the past as earthquake came to help in removing all hindrances to the resurrection of Christ for a glorious dawn to emerge.

“The God of heaven will divinely intervene to bail our nation out of economic downturn in the name of Jesus.”


Ayokunle expressed optimism that the future of the country would be characterised by abundance, joy and celebrations.

“As the resurrection morning brought a day of joy and laughter back to the disciples, the future years shall be full of abundance in Nigeria,” he said.

“It will bring back our joy and celebration in our streets in the name of Jesus.

“Our challenges of today will become the ladder to our testimonies tomorrow in the name of Jesus.


“It is well with you, our leaders at all levels of government and our nation in the name of Jesus Christ.”

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