Categories: On the GoThe Nation

Court asks INEC to reject candidates from Makarfi-led PDP

BY TheCable


The crisis in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is far from over, as a federal high court in Abuja has ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) not to recognise candidates who emerged through primaries conducted by the caretaker committee led by Ahmed Makarfi.

Delivering his ruling on Thursday, Okon Abang, a justice, recognised the faction chaired by Ali Modu Sheriff, and restrained INEC from accepting list of candidates for the governorship elections in Edo and Ondo from any other faction apart from that of Sheriff.

Abang also directed the electoral body not to acknowledge all the exercises carried out by the Makarfi faction, annulling primaries and congresses.

The judge said the interlocutory orders are to subsist pending the determination of the substantive suit marked: FHC/ABJ/CS/439/2016 filed by Benson Akingboye in Ondo and Johnson Agbonayinma, Edo.


Both men are asking the court to determine the real faction of the PDP between the one led by Sherrif and that by Makarfi.

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