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Daily COVID Tracker: Nigeria reports 379 infections in 18 states — but 353 recoveries

BY Samuel Akpan


Nigeria on Monday recorded 379 cases of COVID-19. Here are five updates about the pandemic this Tuesday. 

G20 seeks more COVID vaccines for poor countries

The G20 says efforts need to be ramped up to help poor countries get more COVID-19 vaccines.

Italy, which holds the 2021 summit, said this on Monday.


G20 is the international forum that brings together the world’s major economies. Its members account for more than 80 percent of the world’s GDP.

“The level of (vaccine) inequality is too high and is not sustainable,” Roberto Speranza, Italian health minister, said.

“If we leave part of the world without vaccines we risk new variants which will hurt all of us…Our message is very clear: no one must be left behind in the vaccination campaign.”


COVID-19: Insurance sector will play a vital role in Africa’s recovery, says Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari says the insurance industry will play a vital role in Africa’s recovery from COVID-19.

He said the insurance sector will play a crucial part in the diversification of the economy by bringing “necessary stability, economic sustainability, revenue generation, job creation and financial inclusiveness”.

Buhari said this on Monday at the opening ceremony of the 47th African Insurance Organisation (AIO) conference and annual general assembly.


EU medicines regulator studying data on Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine booster shot

The European Medicines Regulator (EMA) says it is evaluating data on a booster dose for Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to be given six months after the second dose in people aged 16 years and older.

The drug regulator also said it is assessing data on the use of an additional dose of mRNA vaccines in people with weak immune systems, adding that the outcome of the review would be given in due course.

Nigeria records 379 COVID infection

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has reported 379 new cases of coronavirus.

According to the agency’s update for September 6 2021, the new infections were reported in 17 states and the federal capital territory (FCT).


The states with fresh infections are Lagos (138), Rivers (44), FCT (26), Ekiti (23), Oyo (22), Akwa Ibom (18), Adamawa (17), Delta (17), Anambra (15), Edo (14), Ogun (13), Bayelsa (8), Niger (7), Kwara (6), Gombe (5), Plateau (4), Kaduna (1), and Kano (1).

The NCDC said 353 persons were discharged on Monday after recovering from the infection.

The NCDC data indicate that four persons died of COVID-19, bringing the total number of fatalities to 2,556.

The agency said Monday’s data includes three deaths and six discharges in Lagos for September 5.

To date, 195,890 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Nigeria with 184,882 recoveries.

Chile approves Sinovac COVID vaccine use for children over age six

The Chilean health regulator has approved the Sinovac Biotech COVID-19 vaccine produced by China for use in children over six years of age.

The country had earlier authorised the use of the Pfizer Inc/BioNTech vaccine for children above 12 years.

“This is great news for school-age children and those that were not included in previous vaccination plans,” Enrique Paris, health minister, said.


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