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Early voting results ‘favour’ Clinton over Trump

Early voting results ‘favour’ Clinton over Trump
October 30
19:14 2016

Hillary Clinton, Democratic nominee, is leading Donald Trump, her Republican rival, by 15 percentage points, according to a study by Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project.

The study conducted for about two weeks in early voting states showed that Clinton was able to get a hold of Ohio and Arizona, while Trump, Georgia and Texas.

The University of Florida’s United States Election Project said that 20 percent of the American electorate, an estimated 19 million people have already cast their votes.

Clinton’s success so far at the polls is similar to the lead President Barack Obama enjoyed over Republican Mitt Romney at this point of the race in 2012.


According to State of the Nation polling results released Saturday, Clinton’s chances of receiving the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency remained at greater than 95 percent.

However, the number of states for Clinton dropped from 25 to 20 while Trump also did not witness any additional states coming behind him.

Though, Clinton’s early lead may be good news for her campaign, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has said that it is examining newly discovered emails belonging to Clinton’s close aide, Huma Abedin.


The emails were said to be found on a computer belonging to Anthony Weiner, Abedin’s estranged husband, while investigating his illicit messages to a teenage girl.

Also, Trump’s campaign has been battling with accusations by women of groping. He has also not found it easy on issues of his taxes.

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