
ECOWAS suspends Guinea’s membership over coup

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has suspended Guinea’s membership, following the coup that ousted President Alpha Conde.

Conde was ousted and detained by military forces led by Mamady Doumbouya on Sunday.

Doumbouya had accused Conde’s government of “trampling of the rights of citizens” and disrespecting “democratic principles”, and also barred government officials from leaving the country until further notice.

While condemning the coup, ECOWAS had earlier threatened to sanction the country.


During a virtual summit on Wednesday, leaders from the 15-member ECOWAS demanded a return to the constitutional order and Conde’s immediate release.

Alpha Barry, foreign minister of Burkina Faso, said the ECOWAS leaders agreed to send a high-level mission to Guinea as soon as Thursday.

“At the end of that mission, ECOWAS should be able to re-examine its position,” Barry said.


The 83-year-old Conde was re-elected for a third term in office amid violent protests in October 2020.

The president won the controversial election after changing the constitution to allow him to serve another term in office despite stiff opposition.

Conde’s decision to run for a third term had sparked repeated protests that resulted in the deaths of dozens of people.

Nigeria, the United Nations (UN) as well as the US state department have all condemned the coup.


The African Union (AU) had also threatened sanctions against the country.

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