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Ex-gov Audu’s aide ‘assaults’ EFCC official at trial

Ex-gov Audu’s aide ‘assaults’ EFCC official at trial
March 04
18:39 2015

Abubakar Audu, a former governor of Kogi state, who is being prosecuted at a federal capital territory high court by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(EFCC) for his alleged involvement in a contract scam to the tune of N11 billion, on Wednesday ordered his security aide (a police officer) to assault an operative of the EFCC, Haruna Ashade, for daring to take his photograph in court.

According to Wilson Uwujaren, spokesman of the commission, Ashade, who was assigned to cover the proceedings, was carrying out his duties when Audu’s aide descended on him.

“The sudden realisation that his image might have been captured by the cameraman incensed Prince Audu. Seething with rage, he demanded for the camera. When Ashade refused to hand the equipment over to the accused person, Prince Audu called on one of his aides, a police inspector, to forcefully collect the camera from Ashade and delete his pictures from it,” Uwujaren explained.

“A scuffle ensured, which threw the court into confusion. Audu’s aide rained blows on Ashade in the attempt to snatch the camera from him. It took the personal intervention of Justice Ademola Adeniyi, who was about coming out of his chambers, to restore order.


“Justice Adeniyi sent one of his assistants and his orderly to restrain Prince Audu’s aide. He was said to have ordered the release of the camera for it to be kept in the custody of the court until after the sitting. Ashade obliged them.

“However, to the dismay of officials of the EFCC, when the camera was released, all the pictures taken in court had been deleted.”

Uwujaren said that when the case was finally called, the prosecuting counsel, Rotimi Jacobs (SAN), pleaded for a short adjournment for reasons of non-availability of his witnesses in court.


“He told the court that he was at the court of appeal till late yesterday, March 3, and was not aware that the bank witnesses to be called are not available.

“He informed the court that the prosecution will be bringing new witnesses to testify. Responding, counsel to the first accused, Patrick Ikwueto (SAN) said that if the prosecution has other witnesses not contained in the proof of evidence, there is a need for defendants to be served with their statement.”

The case was adjourned to Friday for continuation of trial.


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