
EXTRA: Borno farmers to hold special prayers over delay in rainfall

Farmers in Borno have resolved to hold special prayers over the delay in rainfall in the north-east state.

According to NAN, many farmers in the Maiduguri metropolis, Jere, Konduga, Kaga and Mafa LGAs said the absence of rainfall was disturbing and needed prayers.

The farmers, mostly in northern and central parts of the state affected by the development, said they want to collectively seek divine intervention.

“You will see clouds as if it is going to rain but after some time, there would be strong wind pushing the clouds to another place and that is the end,” Ibrahim Ali, one of the farmers said.


“If things continue this way, there will be drought.”

Meanwhile, the Borno Emirate Council has begun to mobilise the public for special prayers for rain.

In a statement issued on Sunday, Abubakar El-Kanemi, Shehu of Borno, said the special prayers — Salatul Istisqa’a — will hold on Monday at the Ramat square, Maiduguri.


The statement signed by Zannah-Umar Ali, El-Kanemi’s private secretary, urged Muslims to attend the prayers irrespective of age, gender and status.

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