
I have failed this nation, says Melaye

Dino Melaye, senator representing Kogi west senatorial district, has included himself among the political elite who have failed Nigeria and her teeming youth.

Speaking at The Osasu Show Symposium in Abuja on Friday, Melaye said politics being played by the elite is responsible for poverty and hunger in Nigeria, and both ills have no political party.

Melaye, who spoke as one of the panelists at the symposium, themed ‘The new economy and its impact on less priviledge citizens’, advised government to build public trust to curb societal ills.

“When you speak the truth, you die, when you lie, you die; so it is better to speak the truth and die. I may sound very unpopular but I will speak the truth. Apart from militocracy, politics is responsible for poverty and hunger in Nigeria,” Melaye said.


“Unfortunately, we the leaders, myself inclusive, have failed this nation and have failed the younger generation — myself inclusive. The reason why we are where we are today is because there is a disconnect between leadership and followership.

“As I speak to you, the problem why we are where we are is because of trust. There is no trust between the governed and those governing.

Panelists: Okezie Ikpeazu, governor of Abia state; Rotimi Amaechi, minister of transportation; Hamza Lawal, co-founder at Connected Development.

“Once there is no trust between the followership and the leadership, it will definitely have a negative concomitant effect on the economy, and every other facet of our national life.”


Melaye added that the ills facing Nigeria have no political party, and must be tackled by everyone.

“Hunger and poverty have no political party, hunger and poverty have no religion. To have brought people to discuss on the line of APC or PDP is not correct, because the poor PDP man and the poor APC man all go to the same market,” he said.

“What we should fix is democracy; democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people. What we have is greediocracy; government of the greedy by the greedy, for the greedy.

“We the leaders want to win elections at all cost, so we spend money to win elections. The followership also is greedy, they accept money to vote. So, head or tail, there is a need for attitudinal change and this is affecting everything.”


“Today, we are talking about the recovery of our economy, we are talking about poverty and how to fight it. The only way to fight poverty is for we leaders to build trust among the people.

Amaechi and Osasu Igbinedion, the host of The Osasu Show at the symposium

“How do you build trust? Today, if there is a policy statement banning the use of generators everywhere including the villa, when there is no light or electricity in Aso Rock, there should be no electricity in Nyanya.

“When there is no light in Lugbe, there should be no light anywhere; the citizens will develop confidence.

“When I was a member of the house of reps, I moved a motion that sons and daughters of all political office holders, or all politically exposed persons, from councillors to president should attend public school, that motion was not seconded; it died.


“If the son of the governor, senator is attending public schools, he will fix the school. So the issue of poverty is self-created. I want to call on us, everyone; leadership, followership, that especially the elites in this country; the Amaechi of this world, the Dinos of this world, the Igbinedions of this world, the Iboris of this world, we must take care of the poor.”


“If we don’t take of the poor, a time will come when the poor will take care of themselves, and how are they going to take care of themselves? It is already happening. There was no kidnapping before, today, kidnapping, from my own poor, myopic definition is redistribution of ill-gotten wealth,” Melaye added.

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L-R: Obong Victor Attah, former governor of Akwa Ibom state; Osasu, and Dakuku Peterside, NIMASA MD at the symposium

“People now are afraid. People from the southeast, who normally will buy a big jeep and go home, these days take Abuja taxi. People no longer call Sunny Ade to come and perform at programmes because you call him today, tomorrow your brother, your sister, your mother will be kidnapped.

“So the rich is already paying for the inadequacies of their actions, so we must as a matter of urgent national importantce create attitudinal change.


“When I was growing up as a child, houses had no fences, even in the GRAs. The situation got deteriorated, we started building houses with tall fences. Where I see tall fences as a child was either a Zoo or a prison yard.

“The situation got bad we started using broken bottles as barriers on our fences. It deteriorated, we started using barbed wires, today, it is electric fence. From beware of dogs, now we have beware of lions, beware of snakes.


“There is a need for amelioration, and that amelioration is that we must build public trust, public trust will end hnger, public trust will create jobs, and this agitation today for Biafra is as a result of hunger and unemployment, take care of that, there will be no agitation.”

  1. What I love about politics and politicians is there rehtorics. They are so cute and smart with words that they love hearing themselves talk to the helplessly looking disoriented Nigerian youths. I love the antics of the misplaced and wishful thinking of the Nigerian youths also, the senseless and unending debates and arguments that follow after the politicians have made a’powerful’ statement which is targeted at two groups of people-the paid press that helps them to fawn the embers of disunity and make sure the people are kept in the debating and bickering mode and the youths that lacks critical thinking skills to be able to disceper and reason objectively.
    Or why will a full grown adult admit and accept the responsibility of failure of leadership but shamelessly refused to relinguish the position of defined and accepted failure?
    Since we all accept and enjoy the status quo of this emerging trends of admittance and satisfaction of leadership failure and quality skills, I think it’s best if we continue to pray in Churches/mosques and pay continuous offerings and ill gotten donations to business oriented business men of God;am sorry Pastors/Imams, hussle to travel abroad and spend quality time with family and friends in Dubai, London and Paris while we helplessly wait for the natural course of life-‘For dust thou at and unto dust shall thou return’ oh Nigerians.

  2. Distinguished Senator Dino please look into the issue of Ajaokuta Steel Co. It appears you people have forgotten the project. Regards.

    1. Hon DINO we admire ur statement but you can start by telling ur greediocracy colleaques to cut their salary and allowances so that nigeria can prosper.

  3. Fada had said it all, if Dino accepted that he has failed this Nation. The first thing to do is to resigned and then apologized to his dear country men but what he had said is just the same politicking nonsense.

  4. Distinguish senator Dino, thank you for speaking the truth. I like you for choosing to speak the truth and die. But the ultimate truth remains that the attitudinal change which we all agree is the panacea, begins with you.
    Cut down all your humongous salaries and allowances to reduce cost of governance then, we progress from there.

  5. Hon. Senator thanks for telling us the truth. But you can also do us well by resigning and apologized to the nation. If not we will not take your words as truth again. Thank you.

  6. Your comment..Dino…your shortcomings notwithstanding you are bold and courageous… Respect
    Don’t mind your detractors

  7. Yes, Dino is not a stupid politician, for us to take you serious sir, do everything within your power for Ajaokuta Power Steal company to work within one year from now. If possible, tell us or publish the names of those standing against this project. Beside, we will all die whether we tell the truth or not.

  8. Our Politicians are very smart and wise because they know what to tell, say or do to us. They know our problems and how to talk about our problem and at the same time they also know the what we need and they also know what they can do to get those things for us without we going through stress before those things get to us.

    They talk about our problem in order to show us or make us feel the care for us and make us to be pity with words of their mouths.

    But, to give us the solution to our problem or do what it is expected of them to lift the burden off our solders or to relieve us of the burden they will never do.

    They know that our infrastructure are in a deplorable condition, they will never fix them rather to do that they come us with all kinds of excuses for their inability to deliver on the promises make to us when they come for our vote.

    To me if Senator Dino accept it has fails us. Fine! It is a welcome development but it should not just be a mere say he should make amendment coz it is never too late for him to change.

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