
FCT police dispel rumours of Boko Haram attacks, begin ‘aggressive’ patrols

BY TheCable


The federal capital territory (FCT) police command has dispelled rumours of Boko Haram attacks in the nation’s capital.

There have been speculations about Boko Haram attacks in Abuja following the presence of the insurgents in the neighbouring Niger state.

Yusuf Mariam, the command spokesperson, said the large number of persons on motorcycles in parts of the FCT, which had triggered the rumours, were police personnel on patrol.

In a statement on Sunday, Mariam said the “aggressive” patrol was part of decisions reached at a joint security meeting on Thursday.


She said: “The attention of the FCT Joint Security Team has been drawn to a viral publication in social media purporting that the ‘Federal Capital Territory is under the attack of Boko Haram Terrorists’.

“The Joint Security Team of the FCT wishes to refute the mischievous publication targeted at creating palpable tension amongst the well-spirited residents of the FCT.

“Contrary to the speculation, the Heads of Security Agencies (HOSA) in the Federal Capital Territory in the bid to address security concerns within the FCT, held a strategic meeting on Thursday 29th April 2021, where the team resolved to deploy alternative proactive crime-fighting measures within the FCT particularly in areas with challenging terrain including aggressive motorized/foot patrols.


“However, the patrols will be conducted in line with the peculiarities of every terrain within the territory, in other words, the team has adopted the use of motorcycles, horses and other technical means of gathering intelligence to checkmate criminality within the Federal Capital Territory.”

Bala Ciroma, the FCT commissioner of police, also enjoined residents to remain calm and law-abiding.

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