
FG: Airlines must refund 100% airfares to passengers after two-hour delay

BY Wasilat Azeez


The federal government says airline operators in the country must refund the full cost of travel tickets to passengers after a two-hour delay.

Hadi Sirika, minister of aviation, made this known on Thursday during the weekly ministerial press briefing organised by the presidential communication team in Abuja.

He charged them to demand their rights whenever they are being trampled upon by airlines.

“On domestic flights, delay beyond one hour, a carrier should provide refreshment, and one telephone call, or one SMS, or one e-mail. They should send you an SMS or email or call you to say, ‘I am sorry, I am delaying for one hour,” he said.


“Delay for two hours, and beyond, the carrier shall reimburse passengers the full volume of their tickets.

“Delay between 10pm and 4am, carrier shall provide hotel accommodation, refreshment, meal, two free calls, SMS, email and transport to-and-fro airport.”

He explained that the same rules apply for international flights.


Sirika also noted that the aviation ministry has started sanctioning some airlines that default on consumer rights.

He also urged passengers not to be unruly at airports.

On the proposed concession of four major airports, Sirika assured that none of the 8,700 workers of the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) would lose their jobs.

He said the concessionaire would be required to employ all staff for two years.


“When we pick a concessionaire, he would carry every single staff on his payroll for two years. In two years, he will identify those that have the skills and attitude to work in line with his vision and take them to be his staff if they agree. If they don’t agree, they remain FAAN staff,” he said.

“Those that he does not want because they do not measure up to his business will remain FAAN staff. So, no job loss. It will be there in agreement that the concessionaire cannot fire anybody. If there is one job loss, I will stop the concession today.”

The aviation minister added that N5 billion COVID-19 bailout fund, provided by the government, was disbursed among airlines and other stakeholders, including handling companies, airport taxis.


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