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FG asks all civil servants to resume normal duty schedule

FG asks all civil servants to resume normal duty schedule
October 18
02:52 2020

The federal government has asked civil servants on grade level one to 10 to resume work from Monday.

To check the spread of the COVID -19, only workers on grade 14 and above and those on essential duties, were permitted to work.

However, in a circular dated October 16 and marked HCSF/3065/Vol.1/33, Folasade Yemi-Esan, head of service of the federation (HoS), asked all workers to resume their normal duty schedule.

“Following Mr. President’s approval of the recommendations of the presidential task force on COVID-19, officers on grade levels 10 and below are hereby directed to resume duties every working day (Monday to Friday) with effect from Monday, 19th October, 2020,” the circular read.


“Also, the officers are to be in the office by 8.00 a.m and close by 4.00 p.m. daily.”

The head of service also directed the officers “to ensure full compliance with the directives and advice on the COVID-19 pandemic preventive measures including maintenance of physical distancing, regular washing and/or sanitising of hands and wearing of face masks.”

“It needs to be reiterated that permanent secretaries/chief executive officers should provide necessary facilities in their respective MDAs, in compliance with the extant guidelines on the preventive measures against the spread of the pandemic,” she said.


“Furthermore, efforts should be made to avoid overcrowding and nobody should be allowed into the offices without wearing face mask.”

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