
Group tackles Agbese over rift with Benue gov, demands apology

BY TheCable


The Ado Youth Solidarity Movement (ADYSM), a Benue-based group, has tackled Philip Agbese, member representing Ado/Okpokwu/Ogbadibo federal constituency in the house of representatives.

This follows a rift between the federal lawmaker and Hyacinth Alia, governor of Benue state.

In a video seen few days back, Agbese was seen asking his staff to pull down the portrait of Alia from his office.

The lawmaker, who has portraits of different politicians in office, described George Akume, Secretary to the Government of the Federation, as a father, accusing Alia of lacking the skill to govern.


In a statement on Saturday, ADYSM said Agbese had lost focus and was no longer representing the people who elected him.

“We are determined to uphold the sanity of the Ado People irrespective of ethnic, religious or political persuasions. We are also united towards the promotion of quality leadership in all spheres of national life while fighting against corruption and economic sabotage as projected out by H.E President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in his Renewed Hope Agenda.

“Our attention was drawn to a recent video clip by Hon Chief Agbese Philip, the Member representing Ado/Okpokwu/Ogbadibo Federal Constituency of Benue State. He was shown removing the official portrait of the Executive Governor of Benue State, Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Alia from the wall of his office in the National Assembly Abuja and making disparaging comments on the person and office of the Governor.


“We see this action by the first time Member as a manifestation of bad upbringing and lack of respect for constituted authority, which is out of synch with our character as a people of culture and tradition. As good students of history, we can confirm that Ado people are known for benevolence and humility, hence it is unusual for any of our sons or daughters to behave in the way and manner Chief Agbese Philip did.

“We wonder how the House Member came to the conclusion that the Executive Governor of Benue State lacks leadership skills to govern the State when he only occasionally visits Benue State to cavort with paramours and does not engage positively to see for himself the dividends of democracy being delivered to our people by the Governor on a daily basis.

“More worrisome is the fact that the self-styled but tricky leader has been absent from his duty post and refused to visit his own Constituency to feel the pulse of the people since he was inaugurated into the 10th National Assembly. He has since changed his telephone numbers and the same Constituents who stood in the sun to vote for him can no longer reach him.

“We are by this publication giving Chief Agbese Philip the next 72 hours to apologize to the Governor of Benue State or face dire consequences. As a way of ventilating our grievances if Agbese fails to do the needful, we shall lead massive protest to his office in Abuja within the coming week to demand that he voluntarily RESIGN his position as House Member or be RECALLED by the people of Ado/Okpokwu/Ogbadibo Federal Constituency in accordance with Nigerian laws.”


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