
Again, INEC shifts deadline for PVC collection

For the third time in six weeks, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has announced an extension of the deadline for collection of Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs).

The latest extension is by two weeks.

On February 1, 2015, INEC made its first extension of deadline for PVC collection. Originally scheduled for Saturday January 31, 2015, collection was then to end on until Sunday February 8, 2015.

On February 9, following the postponement of the elections, INEC again extended the deadline for PVC collection by four more weeks until March 8, 2015.


Announcing the latest extension, Kayode Idowu, chief press secretary to the INEC chairman, said the exercise would continue until March 22, 2015, superseding the earlier deadline of March 8, 2015.

“This latest extension offers the last opportunity for duly registered persons to collect their PVCs before the general election scheduled for March 28 and April 11, 2015,” he said.

INEC urged “all registered persons that are yet to collect their PVCs to use this last opportunity in doing so, in order to participate in the forthcoming general election”.

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