
Kwankwaso: Abba Yusuf will revisit new emirates created by Ganduje

Rabiu Kwankwaso Rabiu Kwankwaso
Rabiu Kwankwaso

Rabiu Kwankwaso, presidential candidate of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP) in the 2023 elections, says Abba Yusuf, governor of Kano, will revisit the creation of new emirates in the state by the former administration.

In 2019, Abdullahi Ganduje, former governor of Kano, signed a law that created four additional emirates in the state, leaving Lamido Sanusi, who at the time was Emir of Kano, with control of 10 out of 44 LGAs.

Ganduje said the emirates were created to foster unity and development in the state.

Speaking in an interview with some journalists on Thursday, Kwankwaso said the issue of Kano emirates would be revisited.


“Honestly, it (new emirates) is one of the things that nobody has sat with me to discuss so far but I am sure we are going to sit and see how to go about it,” he said.

“Is it going to be allowed, demolished, corrected or whatever? It will be revisited, what is supposed to be done will be done.

“There were a lot of things and this was a trap. All these things were not done in good faith or intention.


“It was brought with some bad intentions which everyone of you here and our listeners are aware of.

“Sometimes you come with things that are good and they turn out to be bad while sometimes you bring things that are bad and they turn out to be good.

“So, all I know is that I was not consulted as of now but definitely we will come to discuss and see what should be done.”

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