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Mystery remains over Lagos explosions

Mystery remains over Lagos explosions
June 26
17:46 2014

Was it a bomb blast? Was it a gas explosion? Nearly 24 hours after the blast that rocked Creek Road, Apapa, Lagos State, and killed four persons, the police authorities are yet to determine the actual nature of the blasts.

Initial reports said that there were two attacks ─ one inside the compound of Folawiyo Energy Ltd and the other on the main road ─ which were reportedly carried out within five minutes of each other on Wednesday night.

But the official line, initially pushed by the Lagos state government, is that it was a mere gas explosion, perhaps to prevent speculations and panic.

However, police have now said they are still investigating the cause of the blasts.


Spokesperson of the police command, DSP Ngozi Braide, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos that the anti-bomb squad was currently checking the scene with a view to ascertain what actually exploded.

“The experts are already investigating the case, but they have not submitted their report and until that is done, I cannot say anything categorical on the explosion.

“When they are done with their investigation, I would make public their findings,” she said.


Braide was silent on how many deaths or injuries were recorded in the explosion.

Meanwhile, despite denials by Folawiyo Energy Resources, its employees were unable to gain access to the company’s premises on Thursday.

Police have cordoned off the area because of the investigation.


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