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Police: Globalupfront editor was arrested over ‘defamatory’ publication

Police: Globalupfront editor was arrested over ‘defamatory’ publication
May 24
09:44 2024

The police command in Enugu has confirmed the arrest of Madu Onuorah, publisher and editor-in-chief of Globalupfront Newspaper.

On Wednesday, armed police officers besieged Onuorah’s residence in the Lugbe area of Abuja, the nation’s capital.

The management of Globalupfront Newspaper said the editor was arrested in the presence of his wife and children.

The management said the police seized the editor’s phones and denied him access to his lawyer and relatives after “dumping” him at the Lugbe police station.


In a statement on Thursday, Daniel Ndukwe, the Enugu police spokesperson, said the journalist was arrested “after efforts made to formally invite him failed”.

Ndukwe said a petition was written to the Enugu police commissioner “over an alleged defamatory publication he made against a US-based reverend sister”.

“The command wishes to state that contrary to the allegations, he was duly arrested in Abuja with the assistance of police operatives from Ebonyi state command and the aid of intelligence, after efforts made to formally invite him failed,” the spokesperson said.


“His arrest was following the receipt of a written petition to the Commissioner of Police, Enugu State Command, against him over an alleged defamatory publication he made against a US-based reverend sister.”

Ndukwe said Kanayo Uzuegbu, Enugu police commissioner, has directed a professional investigation into the matter.

Ndukwe added that the police commissioner appealed for patience from the press, particularly from the leadership and members of the FCT chapter of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ).

The CP assured that the needful will be done.


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