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Reps ask Russia to ‘provide safe corridor’ for evacuation of ALL Nigerians in Ukraine

Reps ask Russia to ‘provide safe corridor’ for evacuation of ALL Nigerians in Ukraine
March 08
21:31 2022

The house of representatives has asked the Russian government to “immediately” provide a safe corridor for the evacuation of all Nigerians trapped in Ukraine. 

The lower legislative chamber passed the resolution during plenary session on Tuesday following the adoption of a motion of urgent public importance sponsored by Tolulope Akande-Sadipe and Toby Okechukwu, lawmakers from Oyo and Enugu, respectively.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has claimed hundreds of lives, while millions of persons have fled to neighbouring nations.

Despite evacuation efforts by the federal government, many Nigerians, especially students, are still trapped in the Sumy region of Ukraine.


While moving the motion, Akande-Sadipe, the lead sponsor, said there is limited availability of transportation in the affected areas to evacuate Nigerians.

“Considering the current war situation in Ukraine, particularly in Sumy and other parts of the war zone, it is plausible to state that the federal ministry of foreign affairs and relevant agencies intensify efforts on diplomatic action to ensure that humanitarian needs are extended to Nigerians, especially students who are stranded in Sumy, to enable them to exit the country,” she said.

“While Nigerian citizens have been fleeing Ukraine for their safety, Nigerian students, particularly those who are studying medicine in the Sumy State University, are however caged, not having the opportunities of exiting Sumy, as Sumy is located close to the Russian border and the bridges and train tracks have been blown by Russian forces.


“This situation has put these Nigerian citizens in grave harm’s way and also exposed them to freezing temperatures, harsh and life-threatening conditions, and causing death.

“These Nigerians are facing very horrible conditions with diminishing food supply, electricity outages, lack of water and other basic needs.

“The most recent harrowing experience involved where a bus carrying some students was escorted back to Sumy, when they had already travelled 50km close to a neighbouring city and now the hostels are being guarded by Ukraine soldiers who are preventing them from leaving Ukraine.

“These innocent Nigerians in search of the golden fleece and greener pasture are subjected to and caught in a helpless situation, and if proactive diplomatic steps are not immediately taken to offer humanitarian support, transportation out of Sumy and passage to a safe zone and to these Nigerian students within the ceasefire which is just for four days. If not, their situation would become very precarious.”


Contributing to the motion, Okechukwu said people who are not combatants in war should be allowed to flee to safety.

“By practice and convention, countries who are at war, who have any war advantage, should ordinarily provide a corridor for people who are not combatants and in this instance, students,” he said.

He said Russia and Ukraine need to “provide a corridor for these people (Nigerian students) who are under the basement of hiding in bunkers”.

The motion was adopted when it was put to a voice vote by Idris Wase, the presiding officer.


The house subsequently asked the ministry of foreign affairs to “interface with, compile and furnish the embassy of the Russian Federation in Nigeria as well as the Russian foreign ministry with full data of all Nigerians in Ukraine”.

The legislators also asked Russia to “ensure it immediately provides a safe corridor for the evacuation of all Nigerians and other nationals, particularly those trapped in Sumy, Ukraine, in line with the Geneva Convention and other international protocol”.


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