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REVEALED: Aliko Dangote and 61 other people who are richer than half of the world

REVEALED: Aliko Dangote and 61 other people who are richer than half of the world
January 19
17:25 2016

Aliko Dangote, the president of Dangote group and 61 other billionaires are richer than over 3.5 billion people around the world.

In a report recently released by Oxfam, an international confederation against poverty, ahead of the world economic forum in Davos, Switzerland, it was also revealed that the richest 75 million people are richer than the rest of the world.

The organisation, working in approximately 94 countries worldwide to find solutions to poverty, said the total wealth of the poorest half of the world fell by N200 trillion since 2010.

Meanwhile, the wealth of the super-rich 62 rose by more than half a N100 trillion over the same period to N352 trillion (£1.22trn).


Here is a list consisting Dangote, nine women and 52 other people who are richer than half of the world:

  1. Bill Gates ($76bn)
  1. Carlos Slim Helu & family ($72bn)
  1. Amancio Ortega ($64bn)
  1. Warren Buffett ($58.2bn)
  1. Larry Ellison ($48bn)
  1. Charles Koch ($40bn)
  1. David Koch ($40bn)
  1. Sheldon Adelson ($38bn)
  1. Christy Walton & family ($36.7bn)
  1. Jim Walton ($34.7bn)
  1. Liliane Bettencourt & family ($34.5bn)
  1. Stefan Persson ($34.4bn)
  1. Alice Walton ($34.3bn)
  1. S. Robson Walton ($34.2bn)
  1. Bernard Arnault & family ($33.5bn)
  1. Michael Bloomberg ($33bn)
  1. Larry Page ($32.3bn)
  1. Jeff Bezos ($32bn)
  1. Sergey Brin ($31.8bn)
  1. Li Ka-shing ($31bn)
  1. Mark Zuckerberg ($28.5bn)
  1. Michele Ferrero & family ($26.5bn)
  1. Karl Albrecht ($25bn)
  1. Aliko Dangote ($25bn)
  1. Carl Icahn ($24.5bn)
  1. George Soros ($23bn)
  1. David Thomson & family ($22.6bn)
  1. Lui Che Woo ($22bn)
  1. Dieter Schwarz ($21.1bn)
  1. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud ($20.4bn)
  1. Forrest Mars Jr ($20bn)
  1. Jacqueline Mars ($20bn)
  1. John Mars ($20bn)
  1. Jorge Paulo Lemann ($19.7bn)
  1. Lee Shau Kee ($19.6bn)
  1. Theo Albrecht Jr & family ($19.3bn)
  1. Steve Ballmer ($19.3bn)
  1. Leonardo Del Vecchio ($19.2bn)
  2. Len Blavatnik ($18.7bn)
  1. Mukesh Ambani ($18.6bn)
  1. Alisher Usmanov ($18.6bn)
  1. Michael Otto & family ($18.4bn)
  1. Phil Knight ($18.4bn)
  1. Masayoshi Son ($18.4bn)
  1. Tadashi Yanai & family  ($17.9bn)
  1. Gina Rinehart ($17.7bn)
  1. Mikhail Fridman ($17.6bn)
  1. Michael Dell ($17.5bn)
  1. Susanne Klatten ($17.4bn)
  1. Abigail Johnson ($17.3bn)
  1. Viktor Vekselberg ($17.2bn)
  1. Lakshmi Mittal ($16.7bn)
  1. Vladimir Lisin ($16.6bn)
  1. Cheng Yu-tung ($16.2bn)
  1. Joseph Safra ($16bn)
  1. Paul Allen ($15.9bn)
  1. Leonid Mikhelson ($15.6bn)
  1. Anne Cox Chambers ($15.5bn)
  1. Iris Fontbona & family ($15.5bn)
  1. Francois Pinault & family ($15.5bn)
  1. Azim Premji ($15.3bn)
  1. Mohammed Al Amoudi ($15.3bn)

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  1. Rotiken
    Rotiken January 20, 11:31

    May God bless them and multiply again their efforts, and let them to assist the needy ones.

    Reply to this comment
  2. Shobo
    Shobo January 22, 06:49

    In 2years, my name shall be listed with hardwork, will power, integrity, focus in Christ Jesus. I shall reach my goals. Watch out for my name soon.

    Reply to this comment
  3. Kamoru
    Kamoru January 22, 11:15

    This fraud cannot stand! They missed out my name. I should be number 16! I’m heading to court to ensure that this is corrected before further circulation.

    Reply to this comment
  4. White
    White January 26, 11:26

    One day i will attain the status

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