
#RevolutionNow: CORE demands Buhari’s resignation, fixes Oct 1 for protest

The coalition for revolution (CORE), organisers of the #RevolutionNow movement, has called for the immediate resignation of President Muhammadu Buhari.

The call for the resignation was contained in a statement issued on Thursday, in which the group called on Nigerians to join in a peaceful protest scheduled to hold on October 1, 2020.

According to the group, protests will take place in all states across Nigeria, as well as in London, Sweden, The Netherlands, US, Canada, and Germany.

“The Coalition for Revolution is calling on all Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora to come out en masse on October 1, and participate in a massive peaceful protest to demand the reversal of anti-people policies implemented by the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration,” the statement read.


“These harsh policies that have bored a burdensome hole in the pockets of the Nigerian people are coming at a time when citizens are recovering from the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, a global health crisis that was also mismanaged by the Buhari government, further plunging already struggling citizens into deeper financial problems.

“It also comes at a time when there is an unprecedented dictatorial-style crackdown on free speech, dissent, activism, journalism and the right to associate and congregate peacefully and protest.”

Aside the call for the president’s resignation, the group said the protest is aimed at mobilising Nigerians to demand the “reversal of the hike in the price of petrol, and an end to state-supervised and approved impunity”.


CORE also demanded an overhaul of the country’s security agencies, “an end to the disappearance of government critics and extra judicial killings; the release of all political detainees and dismissal of their charges; a swift electoral reform”, among others.

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