Categories: On the GoThe Nation

Sani: Buhari winning B’Haram war despite suicide attacks

BY Taiwo George


Shehu Sani, representative of Kaduna central senatorial district in the national assembly, says President Muhammadu Buhari is winning the fight against insurgency despite incidents of suicide bombings in parts of the country.

Sani, who condemned Friday’s attack in Abuja, appealed to Nigerians not to judge the current administration by attacks on soft targets.

He called on the people to rise in unison against the group, saying the target of the group is to disunite Nigerians.

“The president Muhammadu Buhari administration must not be judged   by the occurrence of such a desperate, cowardly and isolated acts of terror, but should be judged by the unprecedented and proactive measures it has taken in confronting and extirpating terrorism from it roots and sources in the trenches, mountains and forests in the north-east of Nigeria,” Sani said in a statement made available to TheCable on Saturday.


“The ultimate defeat of terror is the ability and capacity of the government to protect lives, livelihood and properties of the citizenry. However, a government that has practically demonstrated resolve and commitment through actions that clearly diminishes the potency and force of a hitherto seemingly invincible insurgency is convincingly leading the nation to the path of peace and security.

“No nation of the world no matter how powerful is hundred percent insulated from terror attacks, but we have a moral obligation to courageously stay the course in securing our country and remain focused in the defense of the ideals of democracy, national unity and peace.

“Despair and fear fuels extremism and violence, every of their evil act should reignite our nationalism, booster our patriotism and strengthen our national solidarity. Each time they aimed at soft targets, they should meet our hard resolve not to give up or give in.


“Those who unleashed the violence and killed innocent people represent the evil against our values, our co existence and our future. Their violence must in no way dictate or shape our ways of life.

“The bombings must not weaken our resolve to resist and end terror, it should rather strengthen our faith in the ultimate triumph of good. Terrorism is a global menace and a challenge to our generation. We must collectively demolish the wall of fear and combat such a cancerous evil threatening to annihilate us all.

“We cannot end terrorism instantly, but we can take the road to end it permanently once we remain tenaciously focused on the very principles of our mission. President Muhammadu Buhari has taken positive steps that restored our hopes and confidence on the ultimate victory of our nation over those extremists forces antagonistic to its values.”


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