Categories: On the GoThe Nation

Saraki vows to prevent ‘revenue leakages’

BY Fredrick Nwabufo


Senate President Abubakar Bukola Saraki has assured Nigerians that the 8th senate will be a people-centered one where the all will be done to prevent revenue leakages.

“As duly elected representatives of the people, we will work closely with every stakeholder in our onerous task of building a prosperous, secured and egalitarian society where the dividend of democracy will be felt by the people,” he said while speaking with members of civil society organisations who paid him a visit in Abuja on Tuesday.

Saraki reassured the groups that the senate was ready to work with them, adding that their engagement would speed up the developmental goals of the Buhari administration.

He urged them to be more proactive and constructive in their approach to issues, saying: “I recognize the importance of the civil society organization in nascent democracy. You have done creditably well so far.”


“On our parts as legislators, we will be open, transparent and accept to work together as a team in order to transform our abundant resources to the betterment of Nigeria and Nigerians.

“Under my leadership, we will be steadfast and improve in our oversight functions. The budget processes will be transparent, we will continue to prevent revenue leakages and enact laws that are relevant to the welfare of the people.”

In his remarks, the convener of the groups, Clem Nwankwo commended “the successes recorded in the election of the leadership of the senate and that of the house of representatives,” adding that independence of Nigeria legislature would expedite growth and development in every sphere of governance.


He solicited the support and partnership of the national assembly while highlighting areas of cogent interest such as bills on people living with disability, Electoral Act as amended, Petroleum Industry Bill and the Constitutional Amendment Bill, which he prayed the senate to ensure effective implementation.

Nwankwo further promised to work with the national assembly with the notion of embracing issue-based legislations, avoid unnecessary bickering and confrontation in order to achieve a stable and conducive platform for our democracy to strive.

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