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Shettima set Chibok girls up, says Fani-Kayode

Shettima set Chibok girls up, says Fani-Kayode
March 09
21:39 2015

Femi Fani-Kayode, the director of media and publicity of the Peoples Democratic Party Presidential Campaign Organisation (PDPPCO), has berated Kashim Shettima, governor of Borno state, for allegedly ignoring security reports and the counsel of the federal government against holding the 2014 May/June West African Examination Council (WAEC) at Chibok.

Fani-Kayode stated that “the abducted Chibok schoolgirls would have been saved the ordeal to which they have been subjected these past 329 days had the governor taken the advice and acted in accordance with the security reports that the town was not safe for the examinations.”

He told Shettima to be ready for investigation and prosecution after leaving office if found complicit in the circumstances that led to the abduction of the girls.

In a statement issued on Monday in Abuja by Sufuyan Ojeifo,  his special assistant on media, in response to Shettima’s “attack” on Fani-Kayode over his comment on the fate of the Chibok girls the PDPPCO spokesman was quoted to have said: “Shettima will not be governor forever and when he is no longer in office, his role in the Chibok affair would be investigated and, if found wanting, he would be prosecuted”.


He accused the governor of reflecting the thinking of his party “over the whole mess that his insensitivity allowed to happen.”

“The governor of Borno State, Kashim Shettima is the most irresponsible, insensitive and callous governor in Nigeria. He is a wicked man whose mindset reflects the thinking of his party, All Progressives Congress (APC). He, more than anybody else, is responsible for the abduction of the Chibok girls.”

“And he should bear full responsibility for it. The man should shut up and bow his head in shame because it was due to his irresponsibility as the chief security officer of Borno state that those little girls in Chibok were abducted, raped, sold into slavery and subjected to terror.


“The circumstances that led to the abduction of the innocent girls, who were writing their examination in an environment that was everything but secure, underscored the governor’s negligence.

“The governor must give account to God and to the Nigerian people for what he has done to those girls. We are accusing him of being responsible for the abduction of the Chibok girls because he was warned by the federal government and by the West African Examination Council (WAEC) not to allow the examination take place in Chibok.

“He ignored the warning and promised to guarantee security for those girls. When time came, the governor did not even deploy one policeman, let alone adequate security. He betrayed the girls; he set them up; he opened the door for them to be abducted by the Boko Haram and instead of asking for forgiveness and repenting of his wicked ways, he is talking nonsense.

“In any other country, this man would have been arrested and prosecuted for collaborating with Boko Haram. But here, in Nigeria, instead of him showing remorse, he went all over the world attacking the president and the federal government over the Chibok affair. Those he was speaking to did not know that he, more than anybody else, was responsible for the abduction of those girls.”


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  1. JoeBoy
    JoeBoy March 09, 23:48

    The Governor, the school authorities and the parents are complicit in this evil. The basic and underlying principle is poor parenting and the absence of value for children, especially the girl child, in the whole of the geographical North of NIGERIA, with the greatest culprits among the Moslems. Nobody loves you more than you love yourself, therefore the Chibok parents should hold themselves responsible for the sad fate of their daughters. That disaster can never happen in Souhthern NIGERIA.Our Northern brothers and sisters really need to get their acts together.

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    • taiwo
      taiwo March 10, 05:27

      You sound like Fani-Kayode in your comment, both of you should be sent for mental examination.

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    • Tessy
      Tessy March 10, 05:38

      Your comment above is unacceptable, insensitive and truthfully not thought out. Parents released their kids to do WAEC critical to gaining admission into university or any decent job in this country and like any citizen expect to be protects. The Government is liable, Rights as citizens were compromised. Blaming the governor at this late hour now is mud slinging and way of pushing blame and not resolving this issue. My prayers goes to the parents of China girls. I have 2 daughters and cannot imagine how they are coping. May God continue to give them strength during this period.

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  2. Noru
    Noru March 10, 07:12

    I do not know how any sane and intelligent man would absolve the Governor of Borno State in the Chibok girls’ kidnap, considering the various accounts of the occurence. This is a wonderful country; a country of liars, of people who are not willing to speak and admit the truth even when it is so glaring. I shudder!

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  3. sheedah
    sheedah March 10, 08:52

    i wonder how fani will talk without is the governor of borno state that is resposible.i think the man need a thorough you actually have the fear of God before pointing fingers on others.

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    • noble
      noble March 10, 13:48

      @Sheedah, where have you been? At the beginning of this Chibok girls abduction,both the federal Ministry of Education and West African Examination council showed their correspondences with the Bornu State Gov where they objected to the convening of the girls at Chibok, they suggested that it is better done at Maiduguri but the Bornu Govt refused, rather, they promised that they will provide adequate security.So my brother it is not a new allegation. Its the Bornu Govt that is shifting the blame to Federal Govt.

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    • MIMI ABI
      MIMI ABI March 10, 21:33

      Because you do not like their comments will not change the truth as much as you hate to hear it because you have been brain washed. Thank God that there are some of us who are detribalized Nigerians whose brains they have not succeeded in cloning our brains.

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  4. TAN
    TAN March 10, 09:17

    Why is Fani Kayode and Mrs Goodluck working against the President? If they think they are working for him, then something is wrong. What happened to Fani Kayode’s claim that APC is causing fuel scarcity. Okonjo Iweala has paid marketers and fuel is back.

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    • simon
      simon March 13, 18:47

      Oga stick to dis issue n be objective, is the governor not culpable after being warned by WAEC n FGN?

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  5. VIP
    VIP March 11, 15:05

    The most intelligent Nigerian leader is the silent one as they spout disgusting ignorance,hate and irresponsibility when their mouths are open. Is Femi ignorant of the fact that it wasn’t only Chibok girls that have been abducted by the boko rams? Why doesn’t he blame the govs of all the state for negligence and discreet complexity. He should be schooled enough to know that security operatives/intelligence are only relevant in situations like that.An intelligent network of the presidency in a volatile situation in the country would have countered any such attempts. He’s only succeeded in opening his basket mouth to tell the world how inept the pdp gov really is and that an act of sabotage by a gov of an opposition party may destabilize it. One of these days, he’ll mistakenly use the word “change” even if for his attire and get fired!

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  6. ubache
    ubache March 11, 20:12

    It is time we stop making politic with this chibok girls drama,shetimma and his collaborators should tell nigerians the hard truth.I stongly believe that he must have shared these innocent girls among themselves as wives and concubines.

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