Sperm + Egg = You! So where is the fraud?

BY Dayo Oladele-Ilori


Recent articles by people who choose the path of practicing homosexuality are often laden with frustrated posture, especially as they want to force their position down every throat. And of course, Christianity is the worst hit because of the liberty to dispense grace to the worst of sinners.

Someone responded in anger saying God created him gay, and God has blessed his gay marriage. I couldn’t but wonder how this fellow arrived at this pitiable state. To clarify, God did not create anyone GAY/LESBIAN.  I do not believe it for two major reasons

  • The Biblical evidence shows that God created Adam and then Eve for the purpose of procreation and companionship. Procreation becomes very important especially to the continuity and sustainability of the human race. Companionship is to deepen the relationship and to ensure that what is lacking in Adam is met by Eve and vice versa. God had the option of giving to Adam another man who will be a buddie!. But God wanted far beyond that, he creates a complimentary copy for man.

Merely watching creation from the point of science also shows that the Male-Female relationship is evidence in the behavior animals, which are closer in nature to us than plant. Infact, when we look at different mammals, this Male-Female copulation is more real and evident. And in Physics, Like Poles Repel, unlike Poles Attract – this tells us a lot about why the Male-Female relationship seems more scientifically correct than any other approach. If indeed, it was a man-man or woman-woman relationship, these ones crying wolf today as a marginalized group would not have existed!

Human beings can metamorphose into whatever they choose after years of been weathered by different situation and circumstances and after exposure to different materials that can corrupt the mind and soul. Gay/Lesbianism is a perversion. It’s a false copy of what is real.


I read a short narrative this morning about an adopted child raised by two lesbian parents, and the agony of growing up in deception. She said they lied to her that she had no father, but said all along she just knew a vacuum existed in her life. I’m sure from her learning in school, she would have known that it is only a sperm and egg that can become a baby. Sperm and Sperm or Egg and Egg produce nothing. God sure has a great sense of humour to have created us the way he did. Looking at the sexual organ, you will know that the Penis is meant to “fuse” into a Vagina, Not a doubt!. It’s just like putting the round pegs in the round hole. But where everything lays parallel and similar, rode for rode, hole for hole, I still cannot figure out the logic either from my Christian point of view or from science and the presentations in nature. Yes, I know that these groups of people have redesigned sex as “Anal Sex”, an inconvenient, costly and unhealthy choice. From human anatomy, ‘Anal Sex’ in neither beneficial nor convenient. Several years down the line, the “Adult Diapers” becomes a compulsory companion. Such Pity! sex can be really great, seamless and enjoyable, with little or no fuse.  Sex between a male and female is great! That is probably the only exercise some couples enjoy every Saturday morning in their life time. It’s called “Bedminton”. I won’t trade that off for some false copy.

However, life is live and let’s lives. The homosexuals can live as they have chosen but not at the expense of the straight Male-Female relationship. Whatever you do not believe in, you should also avoid the benefits of it. Stop adopting the fruits and produce of the Male-Female Relationship that you so detest. Every gay/lesbian should be proud of their “Un-productivity” and supposed “Barrenness”. If you are proud of your choice, you should also be proud of the consequences. Don’t recruit soldiers from the battalions of people who choose to produce children. Face the consequences of extinction and find a solution within your working units of how to produce your kind.

I am an unrepentant loyalist of the Male-Female Copulation which produces children, especially under Marriage which is the first institution that precedes human birth, guarantees continual existence and family sustenance. I am the product of a man and a woman.  I am also a Christian!


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