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Terrorists are anarchists and Muslim intellectuals must counter them

Terrorists are anarchists and Muslim intellectuals must counter them
November 30
23:00 2017

Sudan and Nigeria shared centuries of historical, cultural and political ties. The peoples of both nations must move to sustain and reinforce such ties in the spirit of unity, brotherhood and African solidarity.

Among the many challenges that confronts Africa,there are two major ones we must urgently attend to and they are terrorism and irregular migration.

Terrorism not only represent a 21st century threat to global peace and stability but also Muslims and Islam.

Islam is confronted by two dangers on two fronts,from the inside and from the outside. The inside forces are those who manipulate and misuse the religion in furtherance of their extremist or political or violent agenda. And the outside are those with a mindset set and conditioned to hate Muslims and anything associated with Islam.


The need for humanity and the world to unite and defeat terrorism is urgent and necessary but it’s the Muslims that must lead the battle with common courage, common focus and collective determination.

Terrorists are anarchists. Their cruel actions and atrocious violence create bad perception and impression for the faith they falsely lay claim to.

Muslim intellectuals and scholars and students must lead the battle to retrieve their faith and cast the light of peace and tolerance in the hearts of all believers in the faith.


The strategic and geographical position of the Sudan as a bridge between North Africa and sub Saharan Africa, and bridge between East Africa and West Africa imposed on you a moral and historic duty to champion causes that will promote and enhance unity and continental peace.

International University for Africa in Sudan should breed students who will go back to their countries to lead the fight against religious extremism and terrorism.The products of your institution should symbolize the a synergy of intellect, modernity, Africanity and faith.

Any ideology that promotes mass murder of innocents souls in the mosques, churches and schools are forces of evil we must collectively resist and defeat.

Those who attacked Airport in Brussels, train stations in London, theatre in Paris, streets in New York, malls in Nairobi, mosques in Nigeria does not represent Islam. But we must stop them from their false claims.


Muslim intellectuals must spearhead the neutralization and liquidation of knowledge and school of thoughts that encourages extremism and terrorism.

Nigeria my country has suffered from terror violence that murdered tens of thousands and displaced millions.

The dangers of silence, neutrality and cowardice is that the forces of darkness will be left unchallenged to define our present and dictate our future.

As you assemble African future leaders in this University,give them the knowledge that will empower and enable them to champion the cause of peace,justice,freedom and tolerance.


Sani, senator representing Kaduna central, delivered this speech to an assembly of Sudanese intellectuals and students at the International University of Africa, Khartoum, Sudan, on November 30, 2017


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