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Three ‘gbosas’ for Tobi Amusan

Three ‘gbosas’ for Tobi Amusan
July 26
06:00 2022


“If the most perfect athlete of the modern era can use rage to achieve greatness, so can any other athlete”- TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES

Nigeria is no doubt, blessed with great men and women who have made the country proud in all areas of human endeavors. Athlete Oluwatobiloba Ayomide ‘Tobi’ Amusan recently joined the long list of Nigerians who have brought glories to this great nation on international stage.

Tobi Amusan is a Nigerian track and field athlete who specialises in the hundred metres hurdles and also competes as a sprinter. She shot herself into limelight after winning this year’s World Athletics Championships in the 100 metres hurdles. She did it in style by smashing the World Record twice to become the first Nigerian athlete to win a World Athletics Championship gold medal. A feat that even famous athletes like Usain Bolt is proud of.

According to Wikipedia, ‘’The World Athletics Championships was inaugurated in 1983. The Championships are a biennial Athletics competition organized by World Athletics. Together with the Olympic Games, they represent the highest-level championships of senior international outdoor athletics competition for track and field athletics globally, including marathon running and race walking’’.


This is not the first time the young ‘Hurdler’ is making the country proud. Tobi Amusan was the 2018 Commonwealth and 2018 African Champion and she is also a two-time African-Games Champion. In 2021, she won the Diamond League Trophy in Zurich in the 100m hurdles, but the gold medal at the 2022 World Athletics Championships is the icing on the cake.

The highlight of the event was during presentation of medals and awards. Tobi could not hide her emotions. She shed tears as the country’s National Anthem was played to commemorate the event. She could not be prouder as a Nigerian. A country blessed with huge human and natural resources.

The sight of Tobi Amusan shedding tears at the sound of the country’s National Anthem gave well-meaning Nigerians watching the event live on National Television goosebumps. Nigerians are praising her spectacular performance to high heavens on social media. They are thanking her for bringing honor and glory to the country’s National Flag and the National Anthem. It’s amazing how one person’s positive actions can rekindle hopes in her people. But, beyond the potpourri of praise, nobody is talking about the efforts the young athlete put in over the years to become a World Champion. To win gold medal at the World Athletics Championships is not a walk in the park. It took her years of hard work and determination to achieve this feat. She sacrificed so much to put smiles on the faces of her fellow country men and women. We must salute her courage, determination and the love she has for her country, Nigeria.


Tobi has written her name on the eternal sands of time. Looking back, she can only be proud of herself for not giving up. Her hard work has paid off.

They are many Tobi Amusans across the length and breadth of this country. What they need is government and individuals’ supports and encouragement to pursue their dreams of winning gold medals for Nigeria like Tobi. Tobi Amusan is a true example of what Nigeria stand to gain if government invest in people.

President Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR has done well by congratulating her for bringing honor and glory to Nigeria. But his congratulatory message is not enough, I am appealing to Mr. President to honor this rare gem of value with a National Merit Award. She should be recognised for putting the country first, for choosing to represent the country of her birth, for her passion and love for the green-white-green flag and putting the country in the news for the right reason.

Nigerians owe Tobi Amusan a duty to not let her beautiful tears for Nigeria be in vain. You may call the beautiful tears she shed for Nigeria as she sang the country’s National Anthem, tears of joy, but for discerning minds like me, there is more to it than meets the eye.


Tobi’s tears represent hope for a new Nigeria. We have by our actions and inactions contributed to the rise and fall of this great nation and there is no better time to right the wrongs and make Nigeria a better place to live in than now.

Mother country will rise from the ashes like other great countries that have gone through turbulent times and came out better and stronger.

As we celebrate Tobi Amusan and Ese Brume’s victory at the World Athletics Championships in Oregon, let’s desist from acts that will put the country’s image in bad light…

Join me as I say three gbosas for Tobi Amusan. Gbosa! Gbosa!! Gbosa!!!


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