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UK may probe ‘links’ between APC, Boko Haram

UK may probe ‘links’ between APC, Boko Haram
July 12
08:38 2014
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Also at a recent meeting in parliament, led by Henry Jackson Society and chaired by an MP, John Glen, who is a close adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron, similar allegations were raised that key APC members are supporters and financiers of Boko Haram “for ideological and political means”.

The UK is now showing more than a passing interest in the Boko Haram threat after the kidnap of hundreds of schoolgirls in Chibok, Borno State, in April.

Hague, at an international summit on rape in warzones held in London in June, reaffirmed the UK’s “strong and united commitment to defeat Boko Haram [and] to end the scourge of terrorism in Nigeria”.

President Goodluck Jonathan recently launched the Safe School Initiative with the support of the British government.


Although Jonathan has not directly accused APC of having links with Boko Haram, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to which he belongs has constantly tied the opposition to the insurgents.

Recently, an APC member, Mr. Femi Fani-Kayode, defected to the PDP, accusing some top members of the opposition party of having sympathy for Boko Haram.

APC has consistently denied these allegations and accused the presidency and PDP of playing politics with national security.

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  1. njemanze
    njemanze July 12, 19:55

    there is no point of going into the matter the IBOs wants go .if you see the people being killed the are the what are we talking about.

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  2. Story
    Story July 13, 07:56

    UK have not sort there racist country problem, there EU propaganda and what about there drone that fell off in Uganda or Senegal. UK have many issues to sort out than probing another country. If they want to assist then they should go and bring back our girls. I thought they have all the intelligent services…

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    • Toks! Toks!!
      Toks! Toks!! July 13, 17:58

      The UK is not a perfect country. They have their own problems but it is nothing compared to the shameful confusion Nigeria is in. Mr. Cameron is fully on top of his game. Mr Jonathan is not! Go look for your girls. Why should you expect UK or US to do it?? Why would you challenge them to go into Sambisa Forest when Nigerian Army aren’t ready.

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  3. PhilosopherKing
    PhilosopherKing July 14, 08:27

    Mass illiteracy is the problem in Nigeria. Terrorism is a global crime. Nigeria is a Commonwealth nation, a nation that has provided numerous economic benefits to the crown? so why should they not help set up an international enquiry? Don’t forget they are also permanent members on the UN security council. My personal view is certain Nigerian politicians are trying to make the current president look bad & since he is from a ‘minority’ group in Nigeria, it will only fan the flames of ethnic disparity that the major tribes of Nigeria are so good at. So, he’s doing the smartest thing, let the international community handle it.

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    • ahuama Jr
      ahuama Jr July 17, 19:16

      King, look its not true we depend on majority before one rules in Nigeria, we’re in a democratic system where we have several parties and individuals are voted according to their party affiliation. Jonathan came in there through his party not minority nor majority. Our only concern is that political parties are using the insurgency in Nigeria to campaign instead of seeking for the solution to the problem.

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  4. Rod
    Rod July 15, 01:58

    Its not about Yes or No to education for girls. It is about total rejection of what has been viewed as foreign aggression. A line was drawn and a war has been waged.

    Sad reality is, these people tagged as terrorists have their own believers and supporters. And that makes it hard fighting them in their own land.

    Western colonialism and western Imperialism are the issues fueling them.

    Why cant some leave these people alone to kill the issues instead of giving them flesh.

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  5. leo
    leo July 15, 03:12

    All Nigerians and the whole world want to know the outcome of this probe before 2015. Is APC sponsoring Boko Haram?

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  6. leo
    leo July 15, 03:35

    We want to know the outcome of the probe before 2015

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  7. Goddy
    Goddy July 15, 07:04

    If APC is funding Boko Haram to destroy the nation, it was be for selfish interest, but just for mere political interest. The probe should be encouraged to commence in order to shame the devilish lords behind this shameful and wicked act against the nation of Nigeria.

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    • Truth must Surface
      Truth must Surface July 15, 08:06

      what if it was PDP that is behind the Boko Haram?

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      • ahuama Jr
        ahuama Jr July 17, 18:57

        The Ibo’s are always at the loosing end of any crisis in Nigeria, I don’t know why, can’t we call it quit for peace. Churches are the most targeted areas and these boys have crossed to the south east as boko haram boys had attempted bombing a church in Owerri Imo State, Nigeria.

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  8. Dmaverick
    Dmaverick July 15, 21:17

    Simple reason why this can’t be the PDP is d fact that the best weapon opposition uses against them is insecurity. It will b foolish 2 sponsor terror at your peril. APC gains more from the whole debacle

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    • smart
      smart July 17, 19:17

      Pdp and goodluck Jonathan are part of the problems of nigeria the corruption that has eaten deep into the nigerian state is alarming and with the missing of 20 billion dollars oil money you can sponsor terror in any part of the world but it’s important that countries like the UK should step in and get to the truth.

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  9. lsfg
    lsfg July 17, 18:49

    PDP and their apologist made APC look like a terrorist party simply because most of their leaders are muslims. The British Parliament should invite the president and his party to ask them what they know about boko haram.

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  10. JOYCE
    JOYCE July 17, 20:24

    Whether selfish interest or not all we need is prayer.

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  11. Hassan
    Hassan July 17, 21:04

    The late general azazi said PDP is boko haram, and GEJ said he he know them in his govt. he eat with them, lets him name those he know.

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  12. Egi
    Egi July 17, 21:05

    imagine some killing some one saying he want to rescure him hmmmmmmmm even if we need help is dis d kind of help u can render linking d group to a political party wht is d sitting gov’t doing about it if a gov’t will depoly ova 30000 security agents to a state cose of an ellection and les dan 1000 is given to an area wer dey are needed most no 1 seems to see dt d security info @ d disposal of d gov’t wht aav dy done wt it d politics of dictatorship and opresion d fed gov’t is playing no 1 sees or is saying any tin abut dt most dy play politics wt evry tin? Help us wer we need help and do not creat more hatread and enemity btw us we av more dan enuf problms in our hands already pls

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  13. chuba
    chuba August 28, 21:22

    this is the view from an outside minded , or far from the point of view with the intention to divert the country from the reality , PDP should stop cooking stories , because , is not APC that buy weapon and give it to some officers only to abandoned them to Boko haram, the uk most know the truth before commenting.

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