
Use of face masks, temperature checks — house of reps issues guidelines for resumption

The house of representatives has mandated its members and staff to wear face masks and undergo temperature checks before entering the National Assembly Complex, as plenary sessions resume on Tuesday.

The green chamber said, because fever is one of the symptoms for COVID-19, any member or staff whose temperature is above the acceptable range will be “advised to seek proper medical advice”.

A list of guidelines issued by the house on Monday also states that as the members resume sitting on Tuesday, limited number of staff will be allowed entry including two aides of each lawmaker, committee clerks and a few security personnel.

It said visitors remain banned and, in addition to the staff involved in production of its documents, those permitted entry also include cleaners, medical staff and only four journalists — two each from the print and electronic media.


It also said all business premises will remain closed and catering services suspended till further notice.

Other guidelines issued by the lower legislative chamber include:

  • Maintenance of physical and social distancing to safeguard the health and safety of Members and Staff.
  • Members, including the leadership, are to maintain three (3) empty seats between them.
  • Only two Clerks-at-Table are to sit at a time.
  • Clerk and Deputy Clerk will also observe social distancing.
  • Members are not to approach the Speaker and the Clerks in the Chamber, and when that becomes absolutely necessary, social distancing must be observed.
  • Avoid handshakes or touching your face.
  • No admittance to the gallery.
  • Members and Staff are discouraged from opening any main door, except their office doors, as the Sgt-at-Arms are to man such doors, open them and disinfect regularly.
  • Members and Staff are required to be transparent about their travel history and, if recently returned from places with ongoing transmission in the last 14 days, must self-isolate whether they have symptoms or not.
  • If any Member or Staff feels sick, he or she must stay at home, contact his or her doctor for medical advice and do not come to the National Assembly premises. If symptoms akin to COVID-19 develop, call NCDC on 0800 970 00010.




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