On the Go

VIDEO: RIP to asphalt, welcome plastic roads

BY Mansur Ibrahim


Could plastic roads be an alternative to conventional road structures?

Recycled plastic is made into prefabricated road parts which is installed in one piece.

The innovation was conceived by Anne Koudstaal and Simon Jorritsma of VolkerWessels, a construction company in the Netherlands.

The PlasticRoad design features a ‘hollow’ space that can be used for running cables and pipes and channelling rainwater and is a lightweight design


Plastic is compressed into prefabricated sheets which are directly installed on-site.

The sheets which are lightweight and hollow are recyclable and replaceable. It sucks in water to avoid flooding and allowing plumbing and cable installations.

The prefabricated production and the lightweight design also make the construction of a PlasticRoad into a much simpler task as roads can be built in weeks instead of months.



This video illustrates it better.


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