Categories: General

A’Ibom gov: We’ve spent N3bn on the fight against COVID-19

BY TheCable


Udom Emmanuel, governor of Akwa Ibom, says his administration has so far invested over N3 billion in ensuring citizens survive the COVID-19 pandemic.

The governor disclosed this while speaking on his regular live citizens’ feedback programme tagged: “Governor Udom Speaks”, streamed on both electronics and social media platforms on Saturday.

He said in order to ensure that Akwa Ibomites can access the best health care, three more containers filled with medicals equipment and supplies have been acquired and delivered to the state.

Emmanuel said the government is ensuring that both suspected and confirmed cases are fed and treated free of charge throughout their stay in hospital, all 43 cottage and general hospitals have been provided with basic COVID-19 training and kits to improve handling of cases before they are transferred to isolation centers.


“My target is that we have 49 functional ICUs before we leave office. Recall that I said while revamping some of our hospitals that ‘ there could be a condition where 30 minutes reach to a hospital matters’, lo and behold coronavirus came,” he said.

“We are at a stage of community transmission, and what that means is that you must protect yourself. At this moment, everything is important. Dont ignore even a sore throat. Don’t wait to realise that coronavirus is real when it is too late.

“It is not as if they all died in one day, but it is just because that is the time that NCDC decided to update its records. All those cases were brought in to our facilities when their conditions were very bad.”


Speaking on the new PCR laboratory, he said it will boost testing. “I am glad to inform you that the State has activated the second PCR lab and it is 100% ready. We are only awaiting NCDC certification. So be rest assured that we will soon step up the testings in the State. Now that we have a second laboratory, we will have more testings carried out.”

While answering questions from viewers, the governor said he does not have an anointed successor.

“I am not that kind of Governor that will seek a third term through a surrogate. I am also not that kind of Governor who wants to rule for 24 years. Trust me to know that your Governor can only support someone who genuinely has the interest of the state at heart,” he said.

“Our State produces the oil and contributes significantly to the economy of the country. But I’m yet to see any meaningful development brought to our State. I have not seen any significant presence of those who explore our oil.


“Even ExxonMobil feels too reluctant to pay tax. So what we can do to help ourselves, is to encourage those who are willing to partner with us to develop our State.”

The governor admitted that although announcing tax relief will affect the state’s internally generated revenue, it is a necessary measure to support small and medium enterprises to recover from COVID-19 economic shock.

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