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We won’t stop Keshi from joining Burkina Faso, says Pinnick

We won’t stop Keshi from joining Burkina Faso, says Pinnick
February 24
08:31 2015

President of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Amaju Pinnick, has disclosed that the federation won’t stand in the way of Stephen Keshi if he decides to join Burkina Faso as their head coach.

The Burkina Football Federation last week announced Keshi in a three-man shortlist alongside Gernot Rohn and Milovan Rajevac for the national team job.

So, Keshi could join the Stallions if his job with the Super Eagles is not renewed. But Pinnick won’t panic over that.

“He is a man that has his choice,” Pinnick said in Abuja on Monday.


“If the Burkinabe’s are offering him better contract than what we are offering him and he wishes to go there, it is unfortunate but we are not going to hold him back. As for picking his salaries, I can assure you that he has been paid everything due to him.”

All is not lost, though, as Pinnick said Keshi could resume work as Eagles coach on Wednesday should he agree on a new contract.

“They have just finalised Keshi’s contract and the terms of the contract will be handed to him today or tomorrow to look at it and if he agrees, he will seal it on Wednesday. We are supposed to hold an emergency meeting on Wednesday but it will be held on Monday next week because all my members are not here. We are going to review what has been going on and if Keshi’s contract is ready, we will equally approve it,” he said.


“I have said that the only reason Keshi’s contract stayed this long is that we don’t want litigation. We have to look at everything that will protect him, the federation and that will be the best for the country. We have given him the contract, if he agrees and signs it, then he is ready to roll.”

Keshi has been working with a contract since his initial three-year deal ended after Nigeria lost to France in the second round at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

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