On the Go

Yari threatens Marafa: I’ll end your political career

BY TheCable


Abdulaziz Yari, governor of Zamfara state, has threatened to end the political career of Kabir Marafa, lawmaker representing Zamfara central senatorial district.

Marafa is known for making provocative utterances against the governor, the latest being on Wednesday when the senator accused Yari of playing politics with the killings in Zamfara.

But speaking on behalf of Yari at a press conference on Thursday, Salisu Isa, an aide of the governor, who read a prepared speech, said Marafa would be “killed politically” in 2019.

He said for making “scandalous statements” against the governor on the floor of the senate, Marafa’s political career is finished.


“We are going to kill him politically,” he said.

“Forget about his vociferous outburst, he cannot come to Zamfara. He does not have anybody (followership).

“Since he got to the senate in 2011, he has been moving around with thugs.”


Isa said Marafa would neither succeed Yari as governor nor return to the senate in 2019.

“He is not going to be the governor and he is not going to return as senator” he said.

“These attacks from him (Marafa) are becoming too much. He is attacking the governor, he is attacking his party, he is attacking President Muhammadu Buhari.

“We are going to work with the governor to kill his political career. We are not banning him, but he will not see anybody around him.”


Isa said the current administration in Zamfara is making concerted efforts to tackle the insecurity in Zamfara.

“For the records, on his inauguration, Governor Yari  stated among his administration’s key priorities to address the menace of insecurity in the state; especially confronting cattle rustling, kidnapping and armed banditry that has denied Zamtara people of sound sleep for many years,” he said.

“Shortly after assuming office, Governor Yari has paid several visits to the president and commander-in-chief of the armed forces as well as military service chiefs to appeal to the federal government for assistance to tackle the menace of insecurity occasioned by cattle rustling, armed banditry and criminality in the state.

“All these efforts are in public knowledge. This is to underscore the commitment of the governor towards ending insecurity and criminality in Zamfara state as against what Senator Marafa allegations”.


“It is therefore irresponsible and cheap blackmail for Senator Marafa to state that Governor Yari and his deputy are responsible for the insecurity in Zamfara state. This is a clear act of mischief which cannot help the people of Zamfara state in anyway.”


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