
Yoruba nation agitators protest at UN HQ in New York, demand referendum

Yoruba Nation NINAS Yoruba Nation NINAS

Agitators for the actualisation of ‘Yoruba nation’ on Tuesday protested at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York, US.

The protest, which was tagged ‘Million-Man Freedom March’, was streamed live on the Facebook page of Oduduwa TV.

Brandishing placards and chanting protest songs, the self-determination agitators initially camped opposite the UN headquarters and subsequently marched around the area.

As they marched back and forth, they chanted “what do we want? Yoruba nation”, “end Nigeria now, we want our nation”, “Yoruba nation, no going back”.


A female protester called on the UN to “intervene and heed the demands” of the Yoruba nation agitators.

“Every citizen has the right to go away. We are not comfortable. Nigeria is part of the UN where all countries belong. We are calling on the UN to intervene,” she said.

A male protester said the agitators are no longer interested in being a part of Nigeria.


“The amalgamation of Nigeria has expired. Nigeria’s 1999 constitution is a scam. We want a referendum. We want United Nations to act now,” he said.

Another male protester said the actualisation of a Yoruba nation is inevitable and assured that Sunday Adeyemo, the separatist leader better known as Sunday Igboho, will eventually be released from detention.

He said: “By God’s grace, Yoruba nation will be achieved. It is destined to happen. Igboho will be set free.”

The protester also called on Yoruba leaders and stakeholders to “rise up and fight” for secession.


The freedom march was organised by the Nigerian Indigenous Nationalities Alliance for Self-Determination (NINAS).

NINAS refers to itself as a “multi-ethnic alliance of the indigenous peoples of the Middle Belt (part of the former Northern Region), Ilana Omo Oodua (the former Western Region) and the Lower Niger (Former Eastern & Mid-Western Regions)”.

Banji Akintoye, leader of Ilana Omo Oodua, is the chairman of NINAS while Tony Nnadi is the secretary-general.

According to Akintoye, the freedom march will take place every day outside the UN headquarters until September 24.

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