Life & Living

You can do so much good with something so small!

BY Guest Writer


With my phone, I have been able to reach several thousands with the Message of Hope in the last five years. This small device has brought both the sender and receivers of the messages tremendous Blessings, Encouragement and Joy. I consider the mobile phone, internet, and social media some of the greatest inventions of all times.

What has GOD put in your hand that looks so small? Jacob had a Staff; Moses had a Rod; The widow of Zarephath had a meal; the prophet’s widow had a bottle/jar of oil; David had a sling; the little boy had five loaves and two fish, yet GOD used all these small things to do Mighty Miracles.

Stop belittling what you have. It is enough to meet all your needs and the needs of others. Take seriously, henceforth, the gifts, talents and resources the Lord has endowed you with. Despise nothing, and look down on no one. GOD can use anything, anyone! I pray HE breathes on that thing in your hand, in JESUS Name.



Have a great week.

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