
‘Unrepentant’ robbery kingpin killed in gun duel with police

map of Enugu state map of Enugu state

The Enugu state police command has confirmed the death of a notorious armed robbery suspect, Chukwuemeka Ugwu, who operated in Enugu and Abakaliki, after a gun duel.

Ebere Amaraizu, the command’s spokesperson, confirmed the death via a statement issued on Thursday in Enugu.

Amaraizu said that the unrepentant armed robbery suspect had served years of imprisonment in Enugu and Abakaliki prisons in recent time.

“In the morning of March 28 and through intelligence information, the armed robbery kingpin, Chukwuemeka Ugwu, alias Akpuike, was trailed by police anti-robbery squad to his criminal hideout at Aguowa axis of Trans-Ekulu in Enugu,” he said.


Amaraizu explained that a gun duel ensued between the suspect, his boys and the police anti-robbery squad when he sighted the police operatives.

The spokesperson said the suspect was overpowered by the superior fire power of the police, who had laid siege for him in a carefully coordinated operation.

“The superior fire power of the police operatives resulted to the armed robbery kingpin sustaining serious injuries.


“The suspect was promptly rushed to the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku/Ozala for medical attention,” he said.

Amaraizu said that the doctor on duty later confirmed him dead.

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