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COVID-19: Premier League clubs approve return to contact training

COVID-19: Premier League clubs approve return to contact training
May 27
20:49 2020

Ahead of June resumption of football matches, the English Premier League (EPL) clubs have voted unanimously to approve a return to contact training.

The EPL, in a statement on Wednesday, titled “stage two of return to training”, said teams can now train as a group and also engage in tackling while minimising any unnecessary close contact.

Last week, players had resumed training in small groups while respecting the social distancing rules.

It is understood that a quick return to contact training will help address one of the remaining concerns of coaching staff, which is to ensure there is sufficient time for players to get match-fit – and reduce the risk of injury – before a return to competition in June.


“Premier League Shareholders today voted unanimously to resume contact training, marking another step towards restarting the Premier League season, when safe to do so,” the ELP statement read.

“Squads are now able to train as a group and engage in tackling while minimising any unnecessary close contact.

“The Premier League’s priority is the health and wellbeing of all participants.


“Strict medical protocols are in place to ensure the training ground is the safest environment possible and players and staff will continue to be tested for COVID-19 twice a week.

“Stage Two of the Return to Training protocol has been agreed following consultation with clubs, players, managers, the PFA, LMA and the Government. Discussions are ongoing as work continues towards resuming the season, when conditions allow.”

On May 11, the British government gave the green light for the EPL to resume next month.


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