
COVID: My prayers are with you in this difficult moment, Buhari tells Ramaphosa

Muhammadu Buhari and Cyril Ramaphosa Muhammadu Buhari and Cyril Ramaphosa

President Muhammadu Buhari has extended his wishes for a speedy recovery to Cyril Ramaphosa, president of South Africa, who recently tested positive for COVID.

Ramaphosa was said to have felt unwell on Sunday after leaving a memorial service for FW de Klerk, the former deputy president of South Africa, in Cape Town.

According to the South African presidency, Ramaphosa who is fully vaccinated will remain in self-isolation, while David Mabuza, the deputy president, will take charge in his stead.

In a statement issued on Monday by Garba Shehu, spokesman to the Nigerian president, Buhari wished his South African counterpart speedy recovery.


“My heart and prayers are with Mr Ramaphosa of South Africa at this difficult moment of health challenge, and I pray for his speedy and full recovery,” he said.

“Mr Ramaphosa is a friend of Nigeria and an important partner in our joint continental efforts to tackle Africa’s social, economic and political difficulties.

“The coronavirus pandemic is a reality and no respecter of persons.”


Buhari also urged Nigerians “to disregard the allegation that the pandemic is a foreign creation to depopulate Africa and boost the financial interests of western pharmaceutical companies through vaccine production”, and urged more citizens to get vaccinated.

According to him, “lack of attention to medical advice and apathy are damaging to the government’s efforts to contain the spread of this deadly viral disease”.

Ramaphosa had visited Buhari in Abuja earlier in December amid the discovery of Omicron COVID cases in the country.

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