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#EndSARSMemorial: Security operatives block protesters from marching to n’assembly

#EndSARSMemorial: Security operatives block protesters from marching to n’assembly
October 20
10:38 2021

Operatives of the Department of State Services (DSS), soldiers and police officers have prevented #EndSARSMemorial protesters from marching to the national assembly.

The protesters had earlier converged at Unity Fountain to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the #EndSARS protest.

While there, the protesters wielded placards, singing, and calling on the government to “meet our demands”.

From Unity Fountain, they proceeded to the national assembly to continue their protest.


However, on their way to the national assembly, they came face to face with security operatives who mounted a barricade.

The security operatives, who were armed with guns and whips, also blocked the road with their cars.

Protesters who were asked to go back could be heard saying “protesting is our right, we are not thugs”.


After a dialogue of over one hour between the security operatives and the protesters, no progress was made.

The police stood their ground and refused the onward movement of the protesters to the national assembly.

Eventually, the protesters were forced to turn back and head towards the Unity Fountain.


Omoyele Sowore, leader of the #RevolutionNow Movement, and Deji Adeyanju, a human rights activist, were among the protesters.

In October 2020, youths across the country took to the streets to demand an end to police brutality and extrajudicial killings by the disbanded special anti-robbery squad (SARS).

The demonstration reached its climax on October 20, 2020, when security operatives opened fire on protesters at Lekki tollgate in Lagos.


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