
Jonathan’s ministers cry out over ‘media trial’

Ministers who served under President Goodluck Jonathan issued a statement on Sunday complaining about their “media trial” and the attempt to appropriate achievements recorded under the former president by the current government.

The statement was signed by Abubakar Suleiman, former minister, National Planning Commission (NPC), on behalf of the former ministers.

They described the “vilification” of Jonathan as “ill-intentioned, unduly partisan and in bad faith”.

They also listed several landmarks recorded by Jonathan and how the President Muhammadu Buhari government is taking credit for them.


Some of the achievements listed were in power supply, gender development, road infrastructure, elimination of fertilizer fraud and the creation of biometric payment system for civil servants.

The ministers wrote: “While we concede that every administration has the right to chart its own path as it deems fit, we nevertheless consider the vilification of the Jonathan administration to be ill-intentioned, unduly partisan and in bad faith.

“The effort that has been made to portray each and every member of the Jonathan administration as corrupt and irresponsible, in an orchestrated and vicious trial through the media, has created a lynch mentality that discredits our honest contributions to the growth and development of our beloved nation.


“Contrary to what the APC and its agents would have the public believe, the Jonathan administration did not encourage corruption, rather it fought corruption vigorously within the context of the rule of law and due process.”

“It was also under the Jonathan administration that a Nigerian Content policy was introduced, which opened up that sector to Nigerians in a manner that was not previously the case.

“It was also the Jonathan administration that mobilised and secured the support of our neighbouring countries to ensure a robust multinational response to the menace of terrorism and insurgency, resulting in notable advancements in the fight against terror.

“President Jonathan personally initiated the collaboration that led to these advancements and ensured that Nigeria provided the needed financial support for the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF).


“It was the Jonathan administration that repaired and rehabilitated over 25,000 kilometres of our nation’s roads. Nigeria also became a profitable and preferred investment-friendly destination.

“It was under President Jonathan, for example, that Nigeria’s electric power sector became more competitive and attractive to local and foreign investors.”

“Women’s rights to participate in public life and the federal character principle as well as other constitutional principles were also respected. In every respect, our administration promoted inclusive governance and encouraged all stakeholders including the private sector to play key roles in the transformation of Nigeria.

“It should also not be forgotten that the Jonathan administration strengthened electoral institutions and created a peaceful environment for democracy to thrive.


“On this score, it is sad and ironic that the chief beneficiaries of that same legacy are the most vociferous today in condemning President Jonathan and his team.

“Perhaps the new administration and the APC would be sincere enough to publish the details of the handover notes they received. In addition, the Buhari administration should be fair enough to acknowledge the good works of the Jonathan administration.


“No administration can be either completely bad or completely good. President Jonathan’s achievements in moving this country to greater heights deserve to be duly acknowledged. We urge President Muhammadu Buhari to build on these achievements.

“The various lies and fabrications being peddled by some self-appointed spokespersons of the administration may entertain the unwary, but such sensationalism may achieve the unintended effect of de-marketing our country within the international community.


“All such persons playing to the gallery for whatever gains should be called to order. The name-calling of members of the Jonathan administration and the trial by news media should also stop.

“We have reserved our comment until now in the fervent hope that once the euphoria that may have inspired the various attacks on the past administration wears off, reason will prevail.


“But we are constrained to speak up in defence of the legacy of the Jonathan administration and shall do so again for as long as those who are determined to rubbish that legacy, are unrelenting in their usual deployment of blackmail, persecution, and similar tactic.”

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