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NFF accepts full responsibility for Eagles failure

NFF accepts full responsibility for Eagles failure
November 20
11:42 2014

The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has accepted full responsibility for the failure of the Super Eagles to qualify for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations finals in Equatorial Guinea.

Nigeria battled to 2-2 draw with South Africa in Uyo on Wednesday, when a win by any margin would have been enough to see the team book a place in next AFCON.

Now, Amaju Pinnick, NFF president says it is time for sober reflection rather than trading of blames.

“The NFF takes full responsibility for what has happened. It is a tragedy for us to come so near and yet fail to reach the finals. We made so much effort and sacrifice in Congo to achieve the victory we needed there on Saturday and really had no business bungling it here,” he said.


“However, our commitment is to build a sustainable football culture in the country and nothing has changed. This is a disappointment but for us, we gave it our best shot and supported the team fully.”

The federation boss also believes that Wednesday’s failure could turn out to be blessing in disguise.

“All things work together for good for those that love God, according to Romans 8:28. This has happened but we believe it will work together for us to toil hard and achieve a renaissance that will take Nigeria football to much higher heights than it has ever been.


“I use this opportunity to thank the Akwa Ibom state government for all the support it gave the team and the assistance it offered the NFF. This is a dark moment but we will emerge into sunshine shortly.”

This is the second time Nigeria won’t be defending their African title after winning it in a previous year.

The first time was when the country had diplomatic rows with 1996 host, South Africa, which made Sanni Abacha, the then military president, pull the Eagles out of the competition after winning the cup in 1994.


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